Save Me

Do not fear, because Jimmy is here!

Wednesday, probably one of the worst days of the week. Lexus and I were in World Geography.

"It was fucking awesome hanging out with you and your family yesterday at the beach. I still have to get back at Johnny for throwing me into the water!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah it was awesome, I threw a sea shell at Matt's head!" She said giggling.
Several people turned and looked at us, as we chatted and I hit my drumsticks off the desk.

I was basically trying to learn the beat to a song that Jimmy gave me to practice.
"Heather put those away or I'm going to have to confiscate them." The teacher said,
"Fuck off old man, i need to practice this!"

"HEATHER to the principals office, NOW!"
"What why? Cause you're jealous of my amazing skills?" I said smirking slightly.
"Get Out."
"Whatever" I grabbed my things "I'll call you later Lex" i said as i walked to the front of the room and left.

I walked down to the principles office. After i showed up Lex showed up.
"Hey Lex! What are you in here for?" i said standing up.
"I told Rhonda a whore with too many dicks in her mouth."
"Oh" I said bursting out laughing.

"SIT DOWN!" the principle said. We sat in seats next to each other.
"Heather this is the the 7th time you get sent in here, what did you do this time?"
Wow, seven times this year already?

"Nothing I was just messing with my drumsticks!"
"Your teacher said you also used some profanity."
"So?" I replied.

"Ms.Mattucci I've given you enough warnings. You are suspended for 5 days, as for you Alexis-"
"Lexus, not Alexis." Lexus interrupted her.

"Right, Lexus since this is your first time in here I'll let you go with a warning, but I will be calling your parents and telling them of your behavior."

Lexus got to go back to her classes. As the principle called my parents to come pick me up.
My parents came in and sat down in her office.
"What did she do this time?" My mother asked her.
"She used profanity at the teacher, and continued to use her drumsticks after being told not too" The principle said.
"We will talk to her when we get home. We can assure you that this will never happen again." My dad said as my mother looked at me and glared.

We got home and my dad pushed me into the house.
"Where did you get those drumsticks?" I wouldn't answer him, which just made him angrier.
"WHERE DID YOU GET THEM" he yelled at me as he held my throat.

"My friend" I said, barely audible.
"This is the last time you will get suspended!" My mother said as she slapped me.

I was so tired of my parents shit that recently I had started to yell back at them.
"You can't tell me what i can and can't do"
"I'm your mother!"
"You aren't fit to be a mother!" I screamed at her.

I got a punch to the eye. The pushed me to the ground and started kicking me. My mom got on top of my and started punching me. They took my drum sticks and started beating me with them. One actually broke because my dad hit me so hard with it. I was crying.

I got away from them and ran. I ran as fast as I could. I didn't know where I was going until i ended up in front of Lexus' house sobbing. I called her phone.

"Wattup Dawg?" She said answering the phone.
"Lexus, I'm outside your house. Please come outside." I said sniffling.
"Okay stay right there!" she said as she hung up the phone.

A few moments later she came running outside. She saw me and ran towards me. I was covering my face in fear she will see the bruises that are probably already forming.
"What's wrong?" She asked worriedly
"My parent's are fucking assholes. Can I stay over at your house for a while?" I said sobbing.
"Of course! I need to ask my parents first, but I'm sure they'll say yes."

We walked into her house. Everyone was in the living room watching T.V.
"Mom, Dad, can heather stay over for a while?" They looked over at me and sympathy washed over their faces.

"Of course honey, you're always welcome here." Michelle said, walking up to me and giving me a hug. "Do you want me to get you anything?" She asked me.

"No i'm fine, but thank you Mr. and Mrs. Haner." I said forcing a smile.
Jimmy looked at me with a sad look on my face. He ran up to me.

"Do not fear, Because Jimmy is here!" he said trying to cheer me up. Which sort of worked. I smiled and giggled a little. Leana stood up and walked over to us.
"There you go sweetie, that's what we wanted to hear! Turn that frown upside down! If you ever need anything you can come to us too." I smiled.
"Thank you" I said.

We headed up to Lexus' room and we eventually fell asleep.
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Blah. i know. i know.. >.< i'm really bad at people beating up other people and shyat.
don't worry. i'm just getting caught up with fiction and then some serious shit is happenin'!
