Save Me

Oh Shyat.

Val walked in on Lexus and Zacky kissing. Lexus told me all about it. She asked me what she should do so i told her she should probably tell her parents. They might understand.
I was in school again, finally. And during the last class of the day, Lexus was basically freaking out. I grabbed her hand.

"It'll be okay Lexus, I'll be right there for you. You two love each other and maybe when your parent's see that they won't be so hard on you." I said, trying to calm her.

The bell rang signaling the end of the day. Lexus looked a bit pale. When we got into the car Brian asked her if she was alright.

"I'm fine" She said, giving him a fake smile.
We got back to her house minutes later. We ran up to Lexus' room. Zacky was sitting on her bed waiting for her. They kissed. They exchanged loving words to eachother and got ready to go downstairs.

"You guys can do it, come on."I said giving them a sympathetic smile. "I'll be waiting here for you." I told Lexus.

I was sitting in her room. A moment later Jimmy and Leanna were sitting next to me on Lexus' bed.
"So tomorrow i'm going to pick you up from school then i will take you home."

"WHAT?!" we heard from downstairs.
Uh Oh i thought. That is not good.

Jimmy and Leanna looked at each other and I looked at the floor. A couple of moments later I heard Lexus yell.

Jimmy and Leanna walked downstairs and i stayed in the room.
I was waiting for her as she ran into the room crying into my arms. She fell to the floor and i kept holding onto her. I tried to comfort her, knowing it was no use.

"I love him so much Heather, I don't know how I'll get through this."
"Its okay Lex, I love you and I'm always gonna be here for you biffle." I said trying to make her happy.

She cried herself to sleep on the floor, while laying next to me as I tried to comfort her. I walked downstairs.

"Uh, Brian, I know you are upset with Lexus, and she you, but I can't lift her onto her bed, so do you think you can...?"
"Yeah." He said with a stone like face.

I followed him upstairs and he lifted her onto her bed. I won't tell her that he put her on her bed because she would freak.
I had so many thoughts running through my mind.
I really hope Lexus is going to be alright
I'm scared for this weekend.
I wonder how Lexus will react about my parents when i finally tell her.

I felt as though I was going insane.
♠ ♠ ♠
I KNOW. >.< i suck.

I just want to know at least someone besides her is reading this.
