Save Me

Whats in the bucket?

Today was the day that Jimmy would be picking me up. I told Lexus and Brian that Jimmy would be giving me a ride home today. Lexus wouldn't let Brian take us too school. But when we were halfway there he pulled up besides us and told us to get in.

I dragged her into the car and the car ride the rest of the way too school was quiet.

Throughout the day i couldn't help but think about going home, i haven't been there in about a week and a half. My parents are probably really pissed at me and can't wait to get their hands on me.

I was texting Jimmy throughout the day. He was trying to convince me that it was the right thing to do. I told him Lexus was really depressed.

A couple of minutes later she raised her hand and asked to go to he bathroom, looking as though she is on the verge of tears.

I looked at her sadly as she got up and left the room. She didn't come back for a little while, and when she did, her eyes were red.

Throughout the day she looked a little better. She was probably texting Zacky. Which I was fine with as long as she was happy. I didn't care that he was so much older than her.

The bell for the end of the day rang and i waited outside with Lexus.
"So what are your plans for this weekend?" She asked me.
"Jimmy is taking me home. then i don't know probably hang out with my parents. And i use the phrase hang out loosely." I said

"You know you never told me anything about your family." She said a bit accusingly.
"Don't worry i'll tell you, just not now. I'll tell you next time we hang out."
Jimmy pulled up.
"I guess i'll see you later. Bye" i said hugging Lexus.

I got into the car.
"So did you tell her?"
"No. i'm going to tell her after this weekend."

We drove to my house. Well the house that I use to make them drop me off at.
"This isn't my house Jimmy, drive down the road, the last house."
"Oh alright."

"No shit, you live here?" He said.
"Yeah." I said grabbing my bag and getting out of the car. "Will you come with me?"
"Yeah of course Minnie Me!" He said turning off the car and jumping out of it.

I walked up to my front door and opened it.
"Mom? Dad? Is anyone home!?" i yelled. No answer.
"I don't think anyone is here..." Jimmy said.
I put up my finger to silence him and listened.
I heard movement, angry movement.

Uh Oh
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thanks to GeeGee for being all loving and shit. :) <3
SO. yeah i know crappy.
I seriously don't like my writing but if you do then good for you. :)

C'mere....fucking stallion duck. ;)

OH AND YOU SHOULD TOTALLY READ FICTON its the origal story in Lexus' point of view! GO GO GO.