Save Me

Come back to my Van..

"How would you like to be adopted by Jimmy and I?" Leanna had said.
Every one was told to leave the room.
"What?" I said, not sure if i was hearing them correctly.
"We want to adopt you." Jimmy said, "We've talked about it before a bunch of times in fact." He said.
"Are you serious?"

They nodded.
"Is this even possible?!" I said a little excited looking at the social worker.
"Yes, If you want to be adopted by them, all that will have to happen is signing some papers, and then when you leave the hospital you can go home rightfully as their daughter." She said smiling at me.

"Now the real question is, Do you want to change your last name?" I looked at Leanna and Jimmy and they smiled.

"Whatever you want." Leanna said.
"Yes. I don't want to have this last name that reminds me of my horrible child hood." I said.
"Alright, We will sign the papers, and then by morning you will be Miss Heather Sullivan." The social worker smiled.

I smiled and laid back on my bed. I was so happy. I didn't have to live with those awful people, i was officially going to be a Sullivan in the morning, i was being adopted by two amazing people, and i don't have to go into a foster home!

Everyone walked back into the room.
I smiled. "Matty S!"
"Matty S?"
"I was going to call you Matty G..but i don't know where the G would of came from"
"Oh alright." He said hugging me.

"I'm mad at you" Lexus said.
"What why?"
"Why didn't you tell me about your parents?"
"I didn't want you too know. I was scared of what might have happened. I didn't want to loose you as a friend"
"Why would you lose me as a friend?"

"Because it has happened before. I'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner."
"It's alright, I forgive you."

"ZACKY V!" I said as i seen him walk into the room.
"Hey." He said walking over to me. I saw Brian glare at him from the corner of my eye.
I sighed I really wished that Brian would let Zacky and Lexus see eachother.

That basically went on until I did that to everyone.
Later that night, Jimmy decided to stay the night with me.

"How long have you and Leanna been thinking about adopting me?"
"Since you told me what your parents did to you."
"but you guys rarely knew me."

"Heather, all that matters is that we care about you, and that you mean something to us, no matter how long we have known eachother"
"Do i have to call you dad, i mean I'm 17, and it'd be so weird to call you dad, no offense."
"Nah, call me whatever you want."
"Alright whatever you want."

"Haha very funny"
"I know right?"
"Just go to sleep." He said.

I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face. Life was too good right now.
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Sorry its short. blah FORGET YOU....i mean. i love you. comment?

I secretly love Johnny Christ.. haha