Glitter Babies

born this way

"Courtney, I would look so much better if I lost ten pounds."

"No, no Kissy, you are gorgeous! Oh my God, no."

I tried to block their voices out. They were piercing at trilling and nothing came out of their mouths except stupidity and collagen.

"Finny, dear," Kissy said, twisting her short black hair in her long manicured fingers. I tried not to breathe in the excess of perfume that wafted my way as she leaned in.

"What?" I grunted, searching the hall for Willow.

"How about we meet up later? Tonight maybe?" she crooned and I pushed her face away. I literally had to move her face away from me, she was so pushy. She only smiled when my hands met her face and I gave her a bewildered expression. She was insane.

"No. I'm done with you," I said resolutely.

And this is when the tears started.

All I wanted to do was find Willow and go home. The day was done and I didn't need the waterworks from Kissy. In fact, I was a little surprised she could cry.

"F-Finleeeeyyyyyyy. Why do you treat me like this? I th-thought-" she wailed and started hiccupping midsentence.

People in the hallway stopped to stare.

"C'mon, Kiss. Stop," I muttered. I hated tears.

"W-what did I do?" she cried.

"Nothing, Kissy. It's just not going to happen."

She gave me a vicious glare before stomping away and I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Dang, Finley. Way to go easy on her there," Willow said with a smirk.

"You heard that?"

"Well, I was in a five mile radius of the incident. I could hear it," she joked.

"She's fucking annoying," I muttered.

Willow shot me a look, "But that doesn't mean she's plastic."

"Literally or figuratively? Because I have touched them and I'm pretty sure they're plas-"

"You know what I mean! She has feelings!" Willow cried.

I smirked a bit and then it fell to a frown. Why the hell was she defending Kissy Elrond?

"God! Boys are so dumb!" Willow almost shrieked and tugged the ends of her hair.

"Willow, stop, what's fucking wrong with you?" I murmured.

I had now taken her hand and we were walking to the Rover. I just wanted to leave already and now I had to deal with a bitch fit from Willow, too.

"Nothing's wrong!" she cried.

"Then why the hell are you acting like this?" I asked.

Her bottom lip quivered and I regretted asking until she said, "I'm sorry. I'm just stressed out."

"Why?" I stopped walking and she looked down.

"It doesn't matter. I said I was sorry," Willow murmured feebly and I decided to drop it.

We drove to Willow's house and when we got there, Lee was waiting for us. She had made us a lunch of macaroni and cheese and Willow had seemed to forget about whatever it had been that was bothering her. Until stupid Teddy called.

"Willy, it's Ted," Lee whispered to Willow.

"I'm busy!" Willow mouthed and her eyes widened with panic and....fear?

I watched Lee and Will's exchange. Lee looked confused and just kept pushing the sleek black house phone into her hands. Willow took it with shaking hands and started to get up and moved out of the kitchen.

"I don't know what the deal is with those two. Willow and Teddy were so great and I thought they were still friends. Now Willy avoids him like the plague," Lee explained.

I nodded, watching as Willow closed the door to her bedroom.

"Excuse me," I muttered, getting up and heading towards the hall. Making like I was heading for the bathroom, I could see Willow's shadow pacing back and forth under the crack below the door. Her buzzing voice sounded panicked.

"I told you -I took care of everything... Ted, stop. Just stop, please," she sounded like she was crying now... I won't tell anyone, I promise. I won't. J-just stop talking like that," she whimpered.

"Please, I have to go," she finally muttered.

I quickly moved to the restroom to because Willow's doorknob was turning and I didn't want her to see me standing there, eavesdropping.

I was also wondering what Willow was so ashamed about.
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"I'm beautiful in my way because God makes no mistakes."

-Lady Gaga