Glitter Babies

her words are swimming in his ears

"Oh, God!"

"What's wrong?" I demanded just as Willow's hand went over her mouth and she clutched her stomach as she ran to the bathroom, feeling her way with an outstretched arm.

We had just finished eating dinner at my house that Friday night; Willow's parents were at a screening of her dad's new movie, so she had come over to eat. But apparently, it didn't stay in her stomach for long.

I panicked as I ran and grabbed her arm to tug her into the bathroom quickly, leading her to bend over the toilet and I winced, hearing her empty the contents of her stomach noisily. She groaned and carefully stood up, before falling onto her knees again, and having another go.

I stalked over to the medicine cabinet and retrieved an extra toothbrush and toothpaste. When I reentered the bathroom, she was standing, reaching her hands out for what I had. I watched as she brushed her teeth slowly.

"I guess you're sick," I murmured.

"Ugh. You know who I think passed it to me? That dickhead, Eric Sanders. He was so sick today when he came to hit on me today, I swear. He looked fucking awful," she ranted, and I noticed her skin pale. She looked awful.

She looked like she was about to cry and I pulled her into a hug. I knew I should have been worried she would infect me with whatever fucking thing she had caught, but I didn't care, at least not yet.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, that was pretty up there on the gross scale," she muttered and washed her hands.

I grinned and then frowned. I wasn't able to kiss her.

Willow soon fell asleep on the couch and she curled up against me while I watched television. And by midnight, my doorbell rang. I carefully got up to answer it; Willow murmured something inaudible as she turned in her sleep.

"Hey, Fin."

It was Lee.

"Will's right here -asleep. She got sick tonight," I whispered and Lee followed me as I walked over to the living room to carry Willow to her house.

"Will. It's Fin. I'm going to pick you up, okay?" I muttered and she nodded and raised her arms, helping me pick her up easily.

"I'm sick," she sighed into my shoulder.

I chuckled at the despair in her voice, "I'm going to kill Eric Sanders."

Lee smiled at her daughter, "Oh honey, don't be silly," she murmured.

Louis looked at me a little warily. I knew he liked me and all, but he was still a dad. And dads tend to be super protective -especially when your daughter's boyfriend is openly called a jerk by the press.

Lee led the way to Will's room and I set her down on the bed.

"I probably got you sick," Willow groaned to me before wrapping herself into the sheets.

I laughed and quickly escaped back to my house, shutting the door and grinning in the silence.

I was trying tidying up the dining table when my celphone pierced in trilling blows. I quickly handed it out, and didn't recognize the number. I stupidly answered.

"Hello?" I murmured.

"Yeah? Finley?"

It was a girl. A girl who I had slept with two months ago when Willow first came around. Do you remember her? We fucked in the car -not one of my best decisions. I remembered giving her my phone number, drunk off my ass, and telling her to 'call me, babe.' Yeah, I'll be the first to admit that when I drink too much, my assholeness goes up exponentially.

"Uh," I grunted.

"Hey, it's Marilyn, do you remember me?" She questioned.


I hoped that if I didn't form actual words she would get the point that I really didn't want to talk to her.
"Well... do you want to hang out tonight? I just got off a shoot and I'm at Lust having a drink."

She mentioned the name of one of my favorite clubs.

"Listen... Marilyn. Uh. We had fun and...all. But don't call me anymore okay? I kind of have a girl," I said as diplomatically as I could.

"Oh. Oh."

"Okay, bye," I said quickly.

"Wait! Wait!" She moaned quickly into the phone and I hung up.

That was one train wreck I didn't want to deal with.


"Don't worry, I think I'm done puking," Willow groaned when she arrived on my doorstep at noon the next day.

"Then come on in," I muttered, stepping aside to let her pass.

"What are we doing today?" she asked and felt her way carefully, counting her steps to the couch.
"I don't know... if you're done being sick...," I muttered slyly, kissing her neck.

Then a loud fast paced chorus split the silence. Willow gave another groan and pulled a brand new cell phone from her sweatshirt pocket.

"When'd you get a phone?" I asked bluntly.

"This morning. My parents decided to give me an early birthday present before they leave for Europe," She said in a moping voice, clicking a button absentmindedly.

"Your birthday?" I asked. Her face reddened and she slapped a hand over her mouth in surprise, like she hadn't been planning to tell me.

"Erm. Yeah... about that. Not really important, you know," she winced at her words.

"Why didn't you fucking tell me it was your birthday? I look like the biggest jackass now," I snapped.

"No, you don't! I just didn't want you to worry about having to get me a present or anything," she yelped.
I rolled my eyes. Her logic sucked.

"Yeah, whatever, I'm still getting you a fucking present," I said angrily.

She laughed, "Okay, fine."

Her phone rang again and she put it to her ear, "Hello?"

Her face drenched in panic and she quickly hung up.

"Well... who was it?" I asked, touching the celphone in her hand and she jerked it away quickly.

"That's none of your business," she snapped and put the phone quickly into her pocket.

And I decided I didn't want to know because sooner or later, I was going to get tired of playing that whole guessing game of what Willow was fucking hiding.
Sooner or later, I was going to make her tell me.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Say what you mean. Tell me I'm right and let the sun rain down on me."

-Panic! at the Disco

i like that the ! is back in their name.