Glitter Babies

the sound of silence

Usually, after a night like that, I'd get up, find clothes and escape faster than my counterpart could utter the word 'relationship.' Or, I would blatantly be hostile and leave without saying a word myself.

But I basked in the pale gray morning light, watching Willow sleep. She was on her back, one arm outstretched onto my stomach and the other tangled in her own hair, her bare chest went up and down in relaxed breaths.

She stirred, her arms moved up, stretching above and then she turned and wrapped her arms around my neck, "Good morning," she whispered. Her cerulean eyes widened as it followed my face. I don't know why she seemed surprised. She gasped, "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, looking at her dubiously.

She shook her head as if she was trying to shake something off and smiled, "No, it's nothing."

"Last night...." she began breathlessly, "Last night was everything."

I said nothing, and only kissed the top of her head.


Recording thirteen. Fin's guest bathroom.

I kind of have to whisper. Fin is ordering us breakfast from some weird takeout place.

I meant to tell him, really, truly and honestly. I got carried away. We got carried away. But I will tell him. I swear I will.

Anyway, that is not what I really wanted to say.

When I first met him, he was just a glob of colors and- and... a tiny bit of twinkling lights. And when I looked at him this morning, he wasn't. He was definite. He was the same but I could distinguish what he was.
He glitters and sparkles.


"What is it?" Willow asked.

"Guess," I teased, handing her the box.

Willow rattled the silver wrapped present in her small hands. She was wearing one of my shirts and her hair was still in a tangled mess but her face leaked excitement and worry. We had sat down on the couch when I decided to give her her gift.

"Okay," she sang skeptically, before scratching away at the paper.

"Could you?" She asked, handing it to me and blushing.

"Sure," I murmured, taking it to open it completely.

I took the delicate chain out of the box and placed it in her outstretched hands.

"Ooh. A necklace," she crooned, and stroked it with her right hand.

"It's silver and it's a small crown pendant. It was Morrison's," I said simply.

"Oh, Fin. I can't keep it," she murmured in shock.

"Yeah, yeah you can. Nobody wears it," I said.

She looked shocked for a second before saying, slowly and deliberately, "Thank you.. so much."

I looked down, "Uh, you're welcome."

There was a long comfortable silence as Willow put the necklace on by herself. I had offered to put it on her but she had protested she could do it herself.

"Fin? I can't do it myself," she said, hanging her head and smiling impishly.

"Okay, Miss Independent," I teased and she stuck out her tongue as I clasped it around her neck.
"How does it look?" she asked.

I glanced at her bright eyes and the crown pendant, glistening with diamonds.

"You look pretty."


"Fuck, here they come," I groaned.

Willow looked panicked. She still hadn't changed from my shirt and her hair was tangled and messy.
"Who?" She squeaked.

"Riley and Ethan," I complained just as the doorbell rang.

I opened the door.

"Hey, Fin!" Riley cried, while Ethan gave me a pat on the back.

"I'm sorry are you not alone?" Riley wagged her eyebrows at Willow practically hiding behind the couch.
"Oh!" Ethan said, "Sorry, dude. Should've called."

"Yes. You should have," I said through clenched teeth.

"Um. I'm just gonna go clean up," Willow said, her cheeks burned as she felt her way quickly through the living room and back into my room.

"Oops," Riley muttered, "Sorry for killing your mojo there."


"Well... I brought Willow and your Christmas presents. Does that make it any better?" Riley asked with a pout.

I looked at her red painted lips and decided it was fine. I really couldn't stay mad if I tried. Willow came out five minutes later, her hair was put in a messy braid and she had changed into a more suitable leggings and sweatshirt.

She smiled at the ground the whole time as she sat down next to me and burrowed her head into my arm.
"Don't be shy, Wills," Riley said coyly, "Seriously, we've arrived to much worse. Like this one time-"
Ethan elbowed her delicately in the ribs and Riley cut off with a blush, "Sorry, I keep forgetting you have a conscience," she muttered at me.

Willow burst into laughter and everyone joined in her airy peals of mirth.

"Willow, I got you something," Riley practically sang and took out a huge bag from Barney's for Willow and an even bigger bag from a music store for me from underneath the table. I already knew what mine was and I couldn't help but smile as I feigned surprise, rattling it and asking, "What is it?"

Willow smiled hugely.

"Thank you," she murmured and grinned even brighter when she said, "I have your present. I already have it underneath the tree so I guess you'll just have to wait till Christmas."

"Willy, we're not going to be here Christmas," Ethan said brightly.

"What? Fin and I bought your present, too!" Willow cried.

"Ethan and I are heading to Cabo for Christmas," Riley said as she blushed and my jaw dropped. Had their egos finally given way? Had they had the 'I like you' talk already? I gave Ethan an impressed look. He shrugged his shoulders and grinned.

"Well... um, okay," Willow said, barely managing to keep a smirk off her face.

We handed them over their presents. We had decided on a wool coat for Riley because she was under a notion that California was always ninety degrees, even in the winter. So when we're bundled up and warm because it's raining and forty degrees out, she's wearing heels and a mini dress. And for Ethan I gave him an autographed picture from his favorite football player. My dad had it lying around. He wouldn't notice.


Willow fell back against the couch and grinned, "That was fun," she said happily and patted her lap, signaling me to come. I lay down on the couch and she ran her hands through my hair as my head rested on her lap. She smiled and told me a story about how when she was younger and could see, how she'd like to run on her parent's farm in France.

"It was just so colorful. I dream about it all the time," Willow murmured, "What do you dream about?" Willow asked, cocking her head to the side and the familiar questionable glance crossed her features.
I thought about it for a second, "I dream in weird colors," I responded.

Willow hands dropped and I could hear a sharp intake of breath, "What kind of colors?" She asked quickly.
"Like... Why do you want to know?" I asked.

"Just tell me, I'll tell you why later," she hurried me.

"I dunno. Like, glitter and shit."

An awed countenance draped her face. I looked at her, "What? It's not all the time. Just lately," I said, not seeing anything important in the fact. If I had thought it was vital I would have mentioned my trippy dreams sooner.

"Well, are you going to tell me?" I asked.

"I said 'later,' didn't I?" she said daintily.

"Yeah. So?"

"I didn't specify when," she said and retreated to combing her black painted nails through my hair again.
♠ ♠ ♠
"And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made."

-Simon and Garfunkel