Status: completed.

Rain Washes Everything Away.


You have no one to blame but yourself here, darling. It’s entirely your fault.

You had a chance to fix things, but you walked out on me that night two weeks ago.

Two weeks is a long time for plotting, darling.

Two weeks, you probably think I’ve forgotten by now. Darling, you couldn’t be more mistaken.

You disgust me, you disgust my friends. I was crazy to let you into my life. Now I’m doing the right thing by pushing you out of it.

You’ll never do this to me again, darling. You’ll never do it to anyone. I’ll make sure of it.

I look out the window at the pouring rain. With a smile on my face, I walk towards the kitchen. Listening to the rain fall drop by drop, I think to myself.

Rain isn’t the only thing that trickles, darling.

I step onto the hardwood floor, tiptoeing to the mahogany drawers. I go down the drawers one by one.




As my hand runs over the third drawer, I smile.

It’s the exact drawer I want. The drawer I never told you about, darling.

You thought you knew everything about me, darling. Boy, were you wrong.

Yanking open the drawer, my fingers carefully search through its contents.

I pull out exactly what I was looking for and slam the drawer closed.

I slip it into my pocket, saving it for you.

I open the closet and grab my umbrella. You’ll never know, darling.

Opening my door, I walk out into the dark, rainy night. The door slams behind me as I walk down the street.

I run my hand over the blade in my pocket as I skip up your steps.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm. Maybe I like this? It's pretty dark. But hey, when I thought 'cliffhanger' this is the first thing that came to mind. Comments? (: