Status: Fantome de l'Opera <33 I LOVE HIM.

No One Would Listen, No One but Her

I'll See You In My Dreams.

“Anywhere you go let me go to, Christine that’s all I ask of-” His voice was cut off by Christine peeling the mask off his face. I, watched from the bottom of the stage as the white mask was replaced by a sunk in eye and a hole where his nose was to be placed. His skin was yellow only on that side and the other was still as beautiful as before.
His eyes shifted to me, his eyebrows were scrunched in anger. I jumped back not knowing what I did for him to hate me, of all the people in this opera house. He grabbed a hold of a rope in front of him swinging down to me.

A loud bang erupted from across the room scaring Brielle out of my dream. She laid in bed for a second catching her breath.
“I’m okay,” she called back still slightly breathless. The door opened revealing her mother.
“I refuse to let you return to that opera house. You’ve been having these nightmares since you got that invite.” She spoke taking a seat on the end of the oversized bed taking up the whole right side of the room.
“It’s nothing ma mère, I promise.” Brielle reassured sitting up. “I just left on such an, disastrous occasion.” She spoke summing up the night the best she could in two words.
“Then why would you ever want to return. Stay here, we’ll further your education and you can get a real job.” Brielle shook my head angrily.
“That’s the job I want. And I’m going back there.” She pulled the covers off from around her and stood up making her way to the closet. Her mother changed her tone from angry to sad.
“Please don’t go back, you know how much I love having you here,” Brielle shook her head yet again. She did this just to make her feel bad.
“You did fine without me before.” Brielle replied seemingly heartless. But, she had to go back. She wanted to go back. The Opera Populaire was her home and she misses it. Though, this new opera house wasn’t quite the same she could easily adjust.
Besides, Brielle knew one thing. If Christine was returning the Phantom would be there. she probably the only one in that opera house that didn’t see his face that night. She wanted to, she wanted to know how bad it was. Everyone screamed so it must’ve been horrific, right?
Months after returning home he was all Brielle could dream about. Every rumor ever told about him was what her dreams were based of off. She used every one of them. But still she had to know for sure. He eventually left her dreams but upon receiving the invitation to the grand new opening he returned. But tonight she would see him. And, all of these dreams would disappear she would return to my once great home and all would be well. Right?
Her mother chose to ignore Brielle’s comment and began to weep. “Nothing’s the same since your father died. It’s so lonely here.” Brielle shook my head spinning on her heels.
“Mama, papa was gone for awhile before I returned. Don’t make this more dramatic than it needs to be. I know for a fact that if he were here, he would want me to do this.” She took Brielle’s words as a insult and stormed out of the room. Shaking tears from her eyes she turned back around to pick out her outfit for this grand Bal Masque.
Brielle stared over at my violin. No doubt, her mère believed it was a waste of time. She believed in better jobs none that included les Arts. But her père encouraged her to follow her dreams no matter what they were. He did, of course his brought him great fortune and success. But, that was just a bonus for him. It wasn’t what he had aimed for. He wanted to be happy in life, and he was. He didn’t deserve what had happened to him but Brielle always tried to ignore it, to shake him from her thoughts. It makes living easier.
Brielle didn’t expect her violin to bring her great success and fortune like her father but she loved it and that’s all that matter. If she could return to the opera house and play for a place to sleep and food that’s all that would matter. She loved it there, she couldn’t think of a better thing to do with her life. Except, maybe if she could sing. But, she shook that possibility from her head. It was a long shot and her humbleness wouldn’t let her be a leading soprano like she dreamed. She stuck to the one thing she could admit she was good at, her violin.
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This is where I get to show off my mad french skillz ;] Hehe, I have none :b
I'm sure Aimee'll msg me and tell me some mistake I made. 'Cause I always make one somewhere.
Soo anyways, I wrote this like a couple of months ago and I like itt. Andand Idk i was searching through my files while trying not to do my History essay and found it. So here ya goo :]
If you actually read this please comment, there's not that many phantom readers on here. And I don't really expect a lot of people, so just lemme know 'cause it'll make me feel better :D haha.