Status: Back on!:D

Dead or Alive

I'm Only Getting Started

The car was eerily quiet as I sat fuming in the passenger seat. I was beyond pissed they were here. They would come home for their fucking sister but Dean won't man up and father his own child?

This isn't their home anymore. I mentally slapped myself.

We were trying to contact Jason, wich wasn't working out so well. I didn't know if I was the only one to notice, but Zara seemed to push away the idea of calling him.

Sam hadn't glanced in my direction the whole 30 minutes we were at the house. Not like I gave less than a fuck.

You dumped him.

Zara and Dean were staying behind with V until our rents showed up. How those two got baby duties together, I had no idea. I had called my mom about 30 minutes ago and they said they were an hour away.

Roxi was currently driving us to all of Sabrie's known hangout places. Wich wasn't much since she pretty much kept to herself around us.

We dropped Sam and Tuesday off at some place Sam said he could figure out where this guy's place was. Although I currently despised him, I had to admit he had some mad skills in that department.

Somehow, we made it to the college and as Rox and I climbed out of the car, I realized we were going to have to break in.

Roxi must've realized the same thing, for she looked at me with a sick smile on her face.

As we snuck through the commons, dodging security and the ocassional student, I longed to find a party. I so wanted to voice my opinion to Roxi but knew we needed to find Brie.

When we reached the building that held the library, I got a rush of adrenaline. With our hoods up, we tried to stay out of the visual of security cameras. Something Rox was an expert in.

We realized all the doors were locked, we made a plan to seduce one of the security guards.

"Minor problem!" I whispered, "All the security guards we've past have been girls!"

"Shit!" Roxi cursed.

We aborted the plan and made our way back into the commons, feeling like failures.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket and I quickly awnsered it.

"Find anything?"

"Ya, we found this dude's adress. It's a fucking creepy-ass mansion." Tuesday's voice came screeching through the phone, "We called Zara. Her and Dean are headed up here. We may or may not back up, but it's better not to be alone."

"Where is it? Roxi and I are up at the college." I beckoned Roxi to follow me and I started jogging to the car.

"It's in the woods behind the college. About 5 miles. Head down Cranberry Lane and then turn off to EQ 144." She whispered to Sam, "Then turn 2 miled down, turn. Head down that street and you'll find youself here."

We got into the car and I told Tues that we'd be there in a couple minutes.

I couldn't tell if this was going to be a long night or what.


When we got there, Dean and Zara had just run off into the mansion. It looked like everyone was just as confused as me.

We followed them through the door that Dean had just knocked down. The place looked deserted and honestly, like it was out of a movie. It was dark and cob-webby. Cliche, if you ask me.

Dean and Zara decided to take the basement, leaving Roxi, Tues, Sam, and I to take the next two floors.

"We'll get the 2nd floor." Rox whispered, looking directly at me with a teasing look in her eyes.

"You guys scan this floor." Tues added as they snuck up the stairs.

We watched them head up until they dissapeared. It was eerily quiet.

"Let's get this over with." I seethed and reached for my hand gun.

As we snuck around corners, checking out rooms, looking at stuff, we heard a scream upstairs.

Sam darted out of the room and I wasn't far behind him when I felt an arm snake itself around my waist and a hand cover my mouth.

I struggled, bit, kicked, punched, you name it, I tried it. But Sam never once turned around to see if I was behind him.

That's when I smelled it. Fire.

Sam's P.O.V.

I ran upstairs as fast as I could. But as soon as I reached the room they were in, I desperatly wished I hadn't.

For there was Sabrie, strapped onto the ceiling by invisible forces. Dean slammed into my body with full force.

And that's when she went up in flames.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is about to come to a close, dearies. But do not fear, there will be a sequel!

Anybody wondering who's got Taylor? Any guesses?