It's Over

It's Over

It’s over.

The words wouldn’t stop ringing in her ears and it had been a week now. A week of utter loneliness. A week of crying and mascara streaks down her face. A week shut away in her room.

How could he does this to her and why did he have to choose that moment to do it? As if she wasn’t in enough emotional pain as it was that night. The tears started falling yet again as Scarlett thought back to the night in question once more. The night where everything in her life fell to pieces. The night her heart got ripped out & trampled on.

She’d been going out with Russell for almost a year and despite what some people would say about it being ‘just a puppy love’ she knew it was different. That it was the real thing. So when he text her ending it with no reason at all, she was devastated to say the least. She didn’t even have her best friend to comfort her either.

Only hours before both her and Alix, her best friend, were sat in the lounge happily drinking whatever concoction they’d come up with that Saturday and were enjoying their weekly night in together. Except this wasn’t like most other Saturday’s – Alix was acting differently, not drinking as much as he normally would either. When Scarlett confronted him about it, he made up an excuse about a headache so Scarlett just shrugged it off and carried on partying away. Later on when she was good and drunk, Alix made his move and not even listening to Scarlett’s protests and pleas about how she wanted Russell, he continued taking advantage of her current state. When Scarlett finally got him to hear her pleas, Alix just got up and left without a word leaving her alone and sobbing.

Shortly after was when she got those dreaded two words and the tears stains didn’t even get a chance to disappear before they got replaced by fresh ones. She didn’t want to accept it though, of course she didn’t, so she text him back and even after getting no reply she continued to text him over the next few days until reality finally hit her and the true heartbreak set in. Which is when she stopped doing everything but cry and reminisce in the darkness of her room.

She got worse as each new day began. She was eating less and less, sleeping less and less too and didn’t even move from the one position, on the floor surrounded by memories. This carried on until today when she realised the only thing left she could do and she set about sorting things and tying up loose ends accordingly.

Then finally, for the first time in a week, she ventured out of her bedroom and into the main bathroom where she grabbed what she’d need for the final phase of her plan.. Once back in the safety of her room, she uncurled her hand to reveal one of her father’s replacement razor blades and a small cut from where she’d been grasping it tightly. After gazing for a while at the small pool of scarlet in her palm she finally snapped out of it and proceeded with her plan.

As she sat there reliving only the good times she’d had, she remembered something so she wearily pulled herself over to her desk where she grabbed an envelope and as she sat back in her place she took one last breath and closed her eyes. Then as her plan finally came to an close her head fell down towards where her right hand was now grasping a bloodied envelope, containing one final message to Russell, labelled it’s over.