Master Turtle

This story is about a half-turtle half-human named Master Turtle, He was born from a human, but his turtle genes came from a 1900's scientist named Aii Freeman, who loved animals and did experiments on them. And Aii got too, far, so he tried turning himself into an animal. When successfully changed, he couldn't change back. So his turtle genes moved on and on and on, until Master Turtle got them. Now, at Calfiornia Waterways Universitry, Master Turtle is trying to show the world the true person he really is. Some students, AKA best friends since like 5th grade, help him out, and sometimes he helps them out too. Master Frog sometimes is nice, and sometimes you just want to kick him in the face. There is a little romance, action, friendship, and a turtle who will warm up your heart in this great piece of writing. I hope you like it.
  1. The Beginning and Backround of Master Turtle
    Masters Turtle's turtle genes came from Aii Freeman, a crazy scientist that loves animals.
  2. The Friends Arrive
    The main characters arrive at California Waterways University.
  3. The Talk
    Master Turtle appears in the dorm, and Scott Jackson and Master Turtle have a talk.
  4. The First Class
    The first day of being in Master Turtles class. Cade gets injured from Master Turtle's dodge ball punishment.
  5. The Fish
    Jack is depressed for love, and Scott tries to find him something: getting Jack a fish to love, because there were fish on sale. Jack faints though, when he sees the fish.
  6. Master Turtle Freaks Out
    Master Frog is ment to be evil, as he was told at age 18 from a green spirit who told him his destiny.
  7. The End
    Master Turtle dies. The final chapter of Master turtle.