Your Guardian Angel

that's all i have to say

Elias Mantere, is a not so normal teenager. His friends think he has the perfect life, The girlfriend of his dreams, the perfect band that is signed to a major label, money, populaity, but he's no jock, he's a gothic guy. His life in Las Vegas, Nevada is not what his friends think. He's been hiding a secret from them from day one. The only reason he is extrememly good looking, and rich and has almost everything he wants is because he is a Vampire. And now he's afraid that his friends are going to find out in a way he doesn't want them to. The Vampire Council is going to be paying him a little visit and they aren't going to like what they see when they find out that Elias is dating a "mortal".....
read to find out more

(This is my very first vampire story so it might take a while, and i also am working on another one, Your Love Will Be The Death Of Me, so this will not be my #1 priority but if many of you like it then it just might become my #1 priority)