Orchids, Darling.


Sunday, February 10th, 2002

Olivia Turner swept the floors of her dusty kitchen lightly. It had been a cleaning type of morning. Everything was perfect. She smiled, satisfied with herself as she put the equipment back behind the refrigerator.

The oldies station was playing on her vintage radio, both of which she had always enjoyed. She was an old soul, beyond that, in fact. Everything in her house was at least twenty years old, excluding things such as food, of course.

As she moved through the house, she turned on the television. It was playing some reality show. She didn’t give it much thought as she walked over to the large window beside the door, opening the curtains.

God’s daylight, as she called it.

She had gotten back from church only a few hours before, and she hadn’t thought to change. It was the same church she had gone to exactly twenty years ago in search for help and guidance…

She shook her head from the thought. Now was not the time.

A light knock on the door rang through the nearly empty house, as her golden retriever, Roadie, thumped past her and up to the overcoming noise of footsteps on the porch.

Olivia opened the door, blocking it from the large dog, and wasn’t surprised by who she saw. “Robert…” Her smile seemed forced to him, though her feelings were true, she was happy to see him. “Come on in,”

Robert was a good man. At forty-two years old, he still had quite the athletic build, and his dark hair and striking eyes did him justice. Beyond that, he was an intelligent man, a business man. He was kind to her, as well.

“Julie told me you would be back from church by now. I just wanted to drop by.”

Olivia’s smile widened. “Oh, well, I’m glad you did.”

His dimples were adorable. “Here, I have something for you.” And with that, he pulled a dozen fully-bloomed orchids out from behind his back, all beautiful.

Her smile slightly faltered.

Orchids… orchids…

And with that, the feelings she had tried to keep hidden for years were brought back up in a rush, filling her entirely with a sharp pain.

She gulped as she looked up into Robert’s hazel eyes.

They weren’t the brown ones she fell in love with.

Orchids, darling, orchids…
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