Status: Losing internet this month [june] so there will not be any updates till i get it back

Why Jump When You Can Fall?

Renee wasn’t supposed to have been born. Mary and William didn’t want any more children after David. But they missed one important step in a night of passion, resulting in Renee’s conception. (GriffinxOc)

Disclaimer: I don’t own the Movie or the Book Jumper and its characters and plot. I only own Renee and any other Oc’s that you don’t recognize. And my slight plot change. Please do not steal my characters. I might let you use them if you ask and give character credit to me.
  1. Prologue
    Why, How? Wonders.
  2. Busboys and Promises
    "I had missed her so much and now she’s finally back. "
  3. FLASH BACK 01
    Flash Back #1 on what happened to Renee after she was found missing.
  4. Chapter 3: Pubs and Ducks
    David make is appearance finnaly
  5. Chapter 4: Wakeup Call and Following the Cracked Up Leader
    "Here I come David you ready or not?"