Status: Losing internet this month [june] so there will not be any updates till i get it back

Why Jump When You Can Fall?

Chapter 4: Wakeup Call and Following the Cracked Up Leader

You’d think that following and keeping up with David would be a little bit easier when you can Jump too, but noooo. I swear he’s like a freaking squirrel on crack!! Let me fill you in on what happened.

I got drenched in Rain for a wakeup call....ok well that was my fault...but anyways. I had to jump into the Harlot girl’s apartment to get to his Jump scar. Then I ended up at some beach, oh hohoho it gets better, after I borrowed stole a wetsuit and a board and paddled out to the non-existent waves, went through another scar (when no one was looking) and guess where that one went?

Another BEACH!!

After that was the top of the friggen Sphinx in Egypt.

One would think that after all of that activity, one would... I don’t know....SETTLE THE HELL DOWN!!

Jumping one last time, that I will allow myself to tolerate, I found myself in front of a big building, which I’m guessing that he has a place here. But by the looks of the last scar he uses this one often.

Well, it’s now or never.... I wonder if he’ll recognize me.

Taking a slow deep breath to calm my nerves and slight annoyance, I stepped through the revolving doors. The lobby is nicer than some others that I’ve seen, kind of homey, not that bad at all.

I would have thought he lived in some ratty apartment with just enough room for a bed.

Hmmmm…did he use his real name or did he use an alias? I think I’ll just have to wing it…damn

I walked up to the concierge, trying to look flustered and embarrassed.

"Hello can I help you?" he asked politely

“Yes, I’m looking for a client of mine. I’m an artist; I was supposed to meet him here to talk about the mural I was going to paint for him. He said he was going to meet me here in the lobby but I don’t see him. I can’t seem to remember what floor he’s on either, this is supposed to be our first on-site meeting.” I smiled sheepishly hoping he wouldn’t see through my lies.

“If you can give me a name I can—“he started to say but I quickly cut him off thinking of a last minute lie.

“Um…you see I had a paper with his name on it but I lost it on the way here; the only thing I remembered was the address. Hey if I can describe him do you think that would help?” I tried; I had a flush to my cheeks from the nerves and partly from embarrassment cause of that crappy lie.

He looked hesitant to reply but sure enough he agreed to it.

“He’s about 5 foot 7, Caucasian with a slight tan and a few freckles; he has short light brown hair with dark brown eyes, strong jaw, umm earlier on the phone he said he was going to be wearing a light button up shirt with dark jeans, and a grey coat today.”

His face lit up as he put together who I was describing. Thank God, I don’t think I could lie anymore to him. I hate lying and he seemed like a nice guy.

“OH, Mr. Jones! Yes he just got in just a few minutes ago, he didn’t tell me he was waiting on someone.” he said confused.

“Oh it must have slipped his mind, would it be ok if I went up? I need to talk to him so I can seem my other clients as well.” I asked with a kind smile stretched across my face.

He nodded his head and told me the floor and room number smiling and wishing me a good day. I thanked him and said ‘you too’ I walked around to the elevator and notice in the jump scar. I decided to use that instead of prolonging the wait, my nerves were about shot, and almost getting caught in lies was not my idea of fun.

Here I come David you ready or not?

And with those thoughts I jumped.
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A/N: Oh mi gosh I’m sooooo sorry that it’s so short I’m gonna start on the next chappie in a few minutes. Well this chappie was really crappy....sorry!!!