Somewhere Between Hope and Fear

Chapter 4

"Ah!" You stretch as you and Kurama leave Mukuro's fortress behind. "Hey, what should I call you?"

"Kurama will do here in Demon World. Is your real name all right to use?" Your new companion asks.

"Chiyori is just fine. I'm assuming you know how to get to Gandara from here, right? Because I'm pretty turned around." Turned around or not though, it feels good to be on your way, leaving that creepy fortress behind.

"Yes. It will take several days of straight travel though."

"Too bad we didn't borrow a giant bug from them then." You motion back in the direction of Mukuro's fort. Kurama chuckles and you feel comfortable around him. He's certainly more sociable than Hiei, although that probably isn't a very difficult task.

"We'll no doubt end up traveling in the company of other demons heading for the tournament. You'll want to try and avoid ones with a strong sense of smell. They could recognize your scent as human." Kurama explains.


You continue walking until afternoon, when the two of you sit to rest. You recall your conversation earlier in the day with Mukuro and wonder if there might be anything Kurama knows.

"Hey, have you heard anything about some 'Great Mother'?"

"Hm?" He looks thoughtful. "There was something on the news the other day before I left. A massive cult suicide referenced, according to the report, the rebirth of a Great Mother. Why do you ask?"

You look down at your canteen of water. On the news? Could that have any sort of connection with those rumors Mukuro baited me with? You also ponder how much Koenma has told Kurama about the situation. But the prince must trust him or he'd have sent someone else.

"Well..." You frown. "Koenma told you exactly why I'm here, right?"

"To observe the tournament and... to act if there was a 'threat' to Human or Spirit World." He lowers his voice.

"So he told you he was concerned about a possible threat too?" You drink some water.

"Yes. Then you suspect it has something to do with this so-called Great Mother?"

"Maybe. It was something Mukuro mentioned before you arrived." You recount the conversation to Kurama, wishing now that you'd found out more from her.

"Most interesting." Kurama frowns a bit. "Perhaps we can learn more about these rumors Mukuro spoke of."

"Yeah." You stretch and get up off the ground. The two of you continue walking, chatting idly about nothing important until stopping when the sky grows dark. After a light dinner you spread your bedroll on the ground lie down. Kurama sits near, keeping watch in spite of the barrier you set up around you both.

"Hey, Kurama." You stare up at the sky, watching the first stars appear.

"Yes?" He looks over at you.

"Do you know any constellations?" You gesture up at the sky.

"Some groups of demons have named constellations, but it differs from group to group. I don't personally know any I'm afraid." He looks up at sky with you.


"You sound disappointed." Kurama notes.

"Well I asked Hiei, but he said you would know 'such trivial things.'" You shrug.

Kurama chuckles at your answer. "So you're interested in astronomy?"

"... Not exactly. But it was a hobby of my mom's." You touch a jade ring on your left hand. It's just a plain and inexpensive jade band, but it belonged to your mother, and before that your grandmother. It was a gift to her from your maternal grandfather, a white foreigner for which she was kicked out of her family for marrying.

"I see. When you say 'was'..." He trails off.

"She passed away several years ago." You smile sadly. You were very close to your mother, especially after your father left.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"She was ill. There wasn't anything anyone could do." You gaze at the sky, trying not to think too heavily about the past.

"I nearly lost my mother to an illness." Kurama looks at you, green eyes full of sympathy. "She would have died, or I would have using the Forlorn Hope, if it wasn't for Yusuke's help."

"That why you stole it? The case file made no mention of motive or anything."

"Yes, I was prepared to give my life for hers, but Yusuke's interference saved us both." Kurama explains.

[p]"Heh. I don't think anyone or anything could have saved my mother." There is a slight hollowness to your words as you roll on to your side and curl up to sleep. It was the disease that sucked her life away, but she died from a broken heart.

"My apologies for bringing it up, Chiyori."

"It's all right. Good night, Kurama." You sigh and shut your eyes, waiting for sleep to come. It was years ago now, but it still saddens you to remember your mother's passing. All she wanted was was her daughter and her husband by her side, but there was only you. You knew he wouldn't come, even if you had been able to contact him. She was foolish to keep hoping he would change and come home. Grandfather is foolish too.

About the only thing you've argued about with your grandfather has been his foolish belief his son will one day return, having seen the error of his ways and whatnot. You try to stop thinking about it. Especially your father- it always puts you in a bad mood. You try to distract yourself by contemplating this "Great Mother" and who or what it is.


You and Kurama are up and moving before the sun has finished rising. You're feeling a bit tired because you had some difficulty falling asleep, but the two of you walk in amicable silence. Soon you pick up a broad dusty road that should take you to your destination.

"Well traveled path, huh?"

"Yes, it is along this road we will probably encounter other demons en route to the tournament like us. We should fit in anonymously among them."

"Right." You gaze across the plain. "Demon World is pretty vast."

Kurama nods and the two of you continue onward down the road.

"So what have you done since graduating?" He makes idle conversation.

"Not much. I've been working to save up for a trip to Europe. I'd like to spend a year backpacking there. Other than that I help my grandfather at the shrine. You?"

"College. I was awarded a full scholarship. Boring compared to a journey over seas, I'm sure." He smiles.

"Over seas will seem like down the block after this." You laugh. "College huh? I don't think it was meant for me." You notice dust up ahead. The two of you must be gaining on a group of travelers up ahead.

"It isn't for everyone. Like Yusuke for example." Kurama keeps an eye on the dust cloud up the road.

Falling into silence you continue beside Kurama. By noon you have joined the back of group. Many other demons have probably joined this band along the way and they take you two for just another pair of demons bound for the tournament. Looking around you think Maybe I can find out more about this Great Mother.

You study the rag-tag group and decide Mukuro and Hiei's company would be preferable to most of the low level louts you are now sharing the road with. The apparent leader of this merry band catches your attention though. Unlike you she's a real catgirl, with well tanned skin and short hair that is a darker shade of green than yours. Probably best to keep distance from her. She might not buy my disguise.

You and Kurama listen to the conversations around you, hoping to hear something about the Great Mother. But most talk is focused on the coming tournament.

The group stops earlier than you would have liked, but not wanting to draw any undue attention to yourselves you and Kurama set up camp as well. You catch someone staring and they look away when you make eye contact. He looks vaguely familiar, but you don't give it much thought.

"Don't wander away." Kurama whispers to you.

"I can take care of myself." You whisper back, feeling slightly annoyed because you don't need him to be a babysitter.

"Here kitty, kitty!" Someone calls to you. "Wanna join us fer a drink or two?"

"Sorry, you aren't my type!" You shout back with a fanged grin. The other catgirl looks over in your direction. You try to avoid her gaze and busy yourself unrolling your bedding.

"Aw, why you hanging with that pretty boy, kitty? Pretty thing like you deserves a real man!"

"I suppose they don't know who I am." Kurama chuckles. "They seem quite taken with you however."

"Lucky me. Are cat ears plus five to attractiveness or something?" You roll your eyes and heat some water in a little metal kettle over your small campfire.

"Well, they don't all seem like a bad bunch." Kurama looks over at another fire where there is much cheer and singing. You nod absentmindedly.

After a dinner of instant ramen, Kurama banks the fire. You put your kettle away and rise from where you were sitting on your bedroll.

"Where are you going?" Kurama starts to rise.

"To the bathroom, and if you plan on following me I'll slap an ofuda on your face and paralyze you like I did to Hiei for startling me!" You make a face.

"Please be careful." He nods and sits again.

"Right, right." You walk off to find a suitable place to relieve yourself. Finishing your business behind some scruffy bushes and securing your pants you hear a voice.

"Yeah, thought you looked familiar..."

You turn and recognize the demon as one the one you caught staring at you earlier and think, Gross! Was he watching me pee?

"You're that Detective bitch who busted me a year ago, ain't you? Ditch the disguise sister."

Another satisfied customer. You muse and get ready for a fight. Out of nowhere you feel an arm around your shoulders.

"Oi, you tryin' to mess wit' my lil sister, scum sucker?"

You stare in surprise, up at the cat woman you'd been trying to keep your distance from. She just called you her little sister and you could probably pass for it. The busty women has darker green hair than yours and it comes down to her shoulders rather messily. Her skin is a bit darker than yours, but her real cat ears and tail are brown like your fake ones.

"K-kin? Whaddya mean she's yer sister?" The demon looks skeptical. "I been watching 'er. She ain't so much as said hello to you!"

"Aw, you just been shy about introducin' me to yer mate, huh sis?" She winks and nudges you. "'Cause he ain't a cat like us."

"R-right!" You blink and decide to roll with things for now. "I've been... worried you wouldn't approve!"

"... Well... if you say she's yer sister... But she still reminds me o' that human bitch." The demon relents and wanders away. The catgirl called Kin releases you and you think, Does she know I'm human?

Her amber eyes study you and her tail lashes behind her. She gives you a fanged smile.

"I know ya ain't a cat like me. You smell human."

"You're right. I'm not cat." You give a fake-fanged grin back. "Thanks for your help, but I've dealt with him before."

"Hm..." She tips her head thoughtfully. "People been curious about you an' that redhead. My lil story is gonna be all around camp 'fore the morning. Well not so much you. We been speculatin' yer mate there is Kurama, the guy who was Yomi's second in command before th' first tournament."

"... He's not my mate." You sweatdrop.

"Ahahahaha, everybody gonna be sayin' he is by sun up!" She laughs heartily and scratches the back of her head. "Sorry 'bout that!"

You fall over.

"'Sorry'!?" You recover from your face plant.

"Say, what's a human like you doin' here anyway? You really a Spirit Detective?"

"... Yes. Can you keep all that to yourself though, Miss Kin?" You sigh, wondering if you and Kurama will have to bail in the middle of the night.

"Just call me Kin! And sure! All we gotta go is stick to my story and nobody will bother ya, sis! These rats know I'm in charge and they'll let ya alone if I say to." She puts an arm around your shoulders again. She's definitely very friendly.

"My name is Chiyori." You sigh again, not quite sure how all this just happened and why she's being so cooperative.

"All right Chiyo, how 'bout introducin' yer big sister to yer mate?" Kin grins widely. As you head back toward your campsite with your new big sister in tow, you think about how fun this will be to explain to Kurama.


"Chiyori?" Kurama stands up and looks at Kin. "Who is this?"

"Well... it's a bit of a complicated story-"

"I'm lil Chiyo's new big sis!" Kin grins. It feels a bit strange to hear somebody other than your grandfather call you Chiyo. "Nice ta met ya..." She trails off, waiting for his name.

"Kurama." He sighs.

"No kiddin'? You actually him?" Kin blinks at him. "Hm."

"What is it you mean when you say you are Chiyori's sister?"

You're about to resume trying to explain, but the over enthusiastic Kin beats you to it. Her explanation probably comes out better than any attempt you could make anyway.

"That said an' done..." Kin puts her arms around your and Kurama's shoulders. "I'm gonna move my things over here." She bounds off.

"So Kin is now your older sister and we are mates." Kurama raises an eyebrow at you.

"Yeah, pretty much." You sit down. "Sorry, she just sorta showed up."

"No, this may very well be beneficial. Kin is clearly leading this traveling party. Her vouching for you will eliminate suspicion. If we can trust her that is..."

"Maybe." You shrug. "I wonder if she's heard about that Great Mother?"

"Perhaps, but we'll need to be careful." Kurama sits down.

"Yeah, you're right."

Kin returns and tosses down a leather sack and a few rolled furs.

"Heya!" She smiles and plops down cross legged.

"We should rest now." Kurama lies down to sleep, as do you.

"'Kay. Don't ya worry. I'm a light sleeper- Nothin' gets by Kin!" She points at herself.

You nod and slip beneath your blanket. Kin unrolls her sleeping furs and curls up tightly. Soon she's purring in her sleep. You glance at Kurama and see he's sleeping as well, but you imagine the faintest unusual noise would wake them both. You shut your eyes and breathe in the cool night air. It smells of dust and campfires and your mind wanders to home your grandfather.
♠ ♠ ♠
And so we introduce a new face, but just who is Kin? Can she be trusted? Well, we'll just have to wait and see. Thanks for reading!