Somewhere Between Hope and Fear

Chapter 5

Kin wakes you an hour before sun rise, then starts yelling at the others to get up and get moving. You groan in protest but pull yourself up. Kurama is already packing up the campsite.

Really hate getting up before the sun sometimes. In your morning-zombie state you manage to roll up your mat and blankets. The group is moving along at a slow pace by sun up. Clearly you aren't the only one who could have gone for an extra hour of sleep.

"I think I hate camping." You yawn.

"I'm sure we can acquire a room in the city." Kurama stops and straightens the cat ears on your head. You look at him in silence and sweatdrop. Kin walks beside you, chewing on some kind of jerky. She keeps with the story now floating among the thirty some odd travelers.

"So... who's favored to win the tournament?" You ask her.

"Hm..." She chews thoughtfully. "Well, people really hopin' to see a rematch 'tween Raizen's brat and Yomi. Or Yomi versus Mukuro. But I heard she ain't as powerful as she used to be. Most bets probably gonna be on Yomi."

"Any new contenders?" Kurama inquires.

"Yeah, some guy named Ethelred is pretty popular in some groups. Hey, you fighin' Fox?"

"No." Kurama smiles. "My place is in the human realm. What about you, Kin?"

"Psht! Now way. I ain't got that kinda power." She waves a hand. "I'm goin' ta watch and maybe find me a good mate."

"Heh, looking for a strong one, I take it?" You laugh.

"Well a weak mate ain't worth havin'!" Kin makes a face and you laugh again.

"Strength isn't all that matters."

"Then what kinda mate you lookin' fer?" Kin retorts indignantly.

"I'm not looking."

A look of sadness briefly crosses Kin's face, as if she is remembering something. It vanishes quickly though before you can read much more into it.

"Well, if I'm gonna have strong kits, I'm gonna need a strong mate!" She resumes her cheerful disposition.

"I suppose that is true." Kurama glances at Kin, having noticed the momentary change in her demeanor as well. The conversation between the three of you dies out.

The group travels onward, picking up more wanders along the way. When the party stops for the day, Kin takes leave to go hunting with some of the others who are weary of their travel rations.

Yay, instant ramen. You think to yourself as you heat some water.

"Have you heard of Ethelred before?" You sit down across from Kurama.

"No." He shakes his head. "Which I find unusual. It would take far more than three years to gain the notoriety Kin implied."

"I guess." You shrug, not really knowing. After the two of you enjoy a fine meal of instant ramen noodles, Kin comes back to the fire, licking blood off her hands from a fresh kill. You sweatdrop and look away until she's done.

"Kin, do you know anything about Ethelred?" Kurama inquires of the cat woman.

"Hm..." She downs some water from a crude wine skin. "A couple of rumors. I heard he's got this enchanted armor, that he's some kinda of priest, stuff like that."

"Priest? Priest of what?" You lean forward.

"Somebody they call the 'Great Mother.'"

You exchange glances with Kurama. This could be just what you've been trying to find out, and you need to know more.

"Tell us more." Kurama prompts.

"I'd lova ta, but that's all I've heard 'bout the guy." Kin shrugs.

"What about this Great Mother?" You ask her.

"Well... S'posed to be some lady who can grant power... But she does to 'er followers or somethin'. That's pretty much why Ethelred's become popular in th' lower classes. He's th' only way to her. Of course if ya ask me, if ya ain't fightin' with yer own strength you ain't really strong."

"So does the Great Mother actually exist?" Kurama presses for more information.

"I dunno. Just what people been sayin'." Kin shrugs again.

Taking in the bits of new information you've learned you wonder if Ethelred is the threat Koenma is worried about.

Kin flops down on her back and looks up at the sky. Kurama banks the camp fire and settles in for the night while you lie down and stare up at the night sky with your fake big sister.

Ethelred... Great Mother... I guess I'll find out more at the tournament. You glance over at Kin and a thought strikes you. "Hey..."

"Yeah?" Her furry brown ears twitch at the sound of your voice and she turns her head to look at you, eyes glinting in the ambient light. A truly cat like appearance.

"Maybe you can answer this. Know any constellations?" You gesture up at the stars.

"'Course I do. My ma taught me when I was just a kit."

"Really? So did my mother." You smile at the memory. Apparently you have something besides cat ears in common. She shifts next to you and points up at the sky.

"Ya see those two bright ones, a bit apart?"

"Yeah." You study the sky.

"Then right above them is a band of four dimmer stars. Those make up the face of Panthera, the Nightcat and her circlet. Those two bright ones are her glowing eyes. She was a legendary warrior and so her image was placed in the sky where she could continue to watch over and protect her people." You nod and Kin continues. "And over here," You follow the invisible line drawn by her clawed finger, "is Felidae. This triangle is his head, and those stars in a zig zag make up his body. To the right is his dagger, the Claw of Rekaia. See the three stars that make a curve? That's the Claw."

"I can see it. Who is Felidae?" You're curious.

"Greatest cat to ever live." Kin smirks. "He brought together th' five great tribes. The Claw of Rekaia s'been passed down in his line ever since. Was a gift from th' ancestors they say."

"Really?" You wonder if that's true. It reminds you of your grandfather's sword.

"Well, that's the legend anyway. S'been passed down in Felidae's line s'long as anyone can remember."

"We have a sword in my family, it's in my grandfather's possession right now. It's an enchanted blade that's been handed down like that. Not even his great grandfather could recall where it came from." You briefly wonder if your father will return seeking the heirloom when your grandfather has passed away. Probably. You answer yourself.

"Well, we oughta be sleepin', as much fun as this chat is. G'night lil sis." She smirks and moves back to her furs to sleep.

"Right." You smile a little. You feel a small connection with Kin, like you haven't felt with anyone in a very long time. She really has begun to seem like an older sister, but you don't want to get too close. A part of you knows probably won't last and you want to avoid the risk. After all, you'll just have to say goodbye eventually.


The next several days are a blur of sweat and dust. You'd just about kill for a shower as you leave the windswept plains behind. A city is visible in the distance, soaring skyscrapers rise up against a bleak sky, reminding you of the how gloomy downtown can be in the rainy season. Some ways away from the city skyline you spot the towering walls of a giant colosseum.

As the group continues onward more and more people begin to accompany it.

"Been awhile since I been out here." Kin muses. "But hey, pays well bein' a guide and all for these less traveled folks." She winks and taps a full leather pouch on her belt.

"So you travel much then?" Kurama asks.

"Yep. Guiding these louts is easy money." She grins. "But I really just got myself a bad case o' wanderlust."

"Seems more fun than waiting tables." You laugh and briefly consider how mad your manager will be if you aren't back from caring for you made up sick aunt in the United States when you said you'd be.

"I suspect Chiyori may too have a case of wanderlust." Kurama chuckles. "How much longer will you be working until you have enough for your trip?"

"Well, taking time off to come here has set me back. Probably not much longer though now that I think about it. I've been at it since I got out of high school. Assuming I don't get fired, anyway." You scratch the back of your head.

"So you two got a place to stay when we get there?"

"I suspect we will." Kurama looks ahead at the city. "If Yomi is already back from his journey, he will know when we arrive and I imagine he will want to see me."

"... You mean yer gonna stay his place?" Kin blinks and Kurama nods.

"As long as I can take a shower or bath or something." Your skin feels grimy after so many days of travel.

"Well I hope ya ain't plannin' on leaving me behind!" Kin winks, putting her arms are yours and Kurama's shoulders.

"I suppose you would follow us if we did." Kurama sighs and sweatdrops. It looks like Kin is set on sticking with the two of you for the time being.

"Damn right!" Kin smirks and looks over at you. "I decided I gotta make sure Chiyo here stays safe!"

"Uh... thanks." You blink and wonder why it is everyone thinks you need taking care of.

"A'right!" Kin shouts when the party finally reaches the outskirts of the massive city. "Yer here folks! I want th' rest of my pay, and you freeloaders better chip in too or things are gonna get ugly!"

You and Kurama wait while Kin collects the rest of her pay. She purrs to herself when she's done and the three of you head into the city of Gandara together.The familiar style surroundings put you more at easy than the decor of Mukuro's fortress.

"I could so go for a bath." You sigh, walking along side Kin and following Kurama. Passing into more residential areas, he leads the two of you to an old fashioned Japanese style manor. The gates open, as if expecting your arrival.

"Nice place." Kin whistles, though she seems uncomfortable with the surroundings.

"Lord Yomi has been expecting you." A serving woman leads the group inside. Unlike Kin, you feel quite comfortable in the setting. You're led into a large tatami room, and inside is a man with horns and three pairs of pointed ears. He rises to greet his guests.

"I'm surprised you came Kurama." He speaks.

A young boy stands beside him, their resemblance is so strong you figure this must be the man's son.

"It was an unexpected change, Yomi. I was indeed not planning to attend."

So that's Yomi. You make a note of it.

"Yes, I imagine it has something to do with your human companion." You can't say you're surprised he could tell you were human. He's obviously blind so his other senses must be heightened to compensate.

"Yes, she is here to observe the tournament on behalf of Spirit World."

You decide now would be a good time to introduce yourself, so you bow politely and say, "My name is Chiyori Fujiwara."

Kin glances at you and introduces herself as well. Yomi nods in acknowledgment.

"I am Yomi, and this is my son, Shura."

"Hey." The kid doesn't seem to regard any of you that highly.

"There is something I don't think you are telling me, Kurama."

Your redheaded companion says nothing. Another servant comes in, carrying a yukata and bath supplies.

"Miss Fujiwara, the outdoor bath is ready for you." You blink several times at this in confusion and wonder how they knew you wanted a bath so badly.

"We will have time to talk later. Please make yourselves at home." Yomi's face is unreadably pleasant.

"T-thanks." You let the demon woman lead you down the hall. Kin follows determinedly.

"Will you be bathing too, Miss?" The woman looks at Kin.

"Uh... sure?" The cat woman follows you through the door.

"'Outdoor bath'? This is a freaking personal hot spring." You look around, then start getting
ready to use the hot spring.

"... Eh." Kin shrugs out of her leather armor and under dress. "Been awhile since I had a bath."

In a few minutes the two of you slip into the warm water, a servant gathering up your things to be washed.

"Ah..." You sigh contentedly and shut your eyes. The warmth relaxes your weary body.

"At least it's warm." Kin grumbles.

"But how did they know I wanted a bath-?" You open your eyes.

"I heard Yomi has some kinda super hearin'. Oughta be careful what we say 'round here." Kin explains.

"I guess." You shrug. Gotta try and remember to think before speaking.


Feeling clean and refreshed, you and Kin are escorted to a spacious guest room. Kurama is inside and your clothes are clean and folded with your things.

"Hey." You wave. "What's up?"

"Awfully nice of 'im to put us up like this." Kin walks the perimeter of the room.

"Nothing at the moment." Kurama seems preoccupied with his own thoughts.

"Oh yeah... I know yer disguise is blown 'ere and all, but yer probably gonna wanna still wear it out." Kin glances at you.

"You're right." You grab your clean clothes and cat accessories, disappearing behind a folding screen to change.

"Well at least it will be nice to sleep indoors." You emerge in your jeans and Chinese blouse with cat ears and all.

"Did you clean up too?" You look at Kurama.

"Hm? Oh yes." He smiles. "Dinner will be ready soon, by the way."

"Good! 'Cause I'm starving!" Kin pats her stomach than disappears behind the screen to change out of her yukata.

It isn't long before someone arrives to escort you all to dinner. Yomi and his son waiting when your group arrives. You all take seats as the food is brought out.

"Am I correct to assume you will not be partaking in the tournament, Kurama?"

"That is correct." Kurama picks up his chopsticks.

"What, are you afraid?" Shura smirks.

"One must choose their battles wisely, Shura." Yomi addresses his son, then Kurama. "He still has much to learn. He has gotten stronger, but not much smarter."

Shura huffs and busies himself with dinner. Next to the child Kin struggles with her chopsticks, unaccustomed to the eating utensil. Shura stops and watches her for a moment, then sighs with exasperation.

"You gotta hold them like this, lady." Shura holds up his own chopsticks and speaks as if he knows everything.

"Easier said than done." Kin grumbles and tries to replicate the way Shura holds his. You can't help but laugh at her a little.

"Why you people gotta use twigs ta' eat?" Ain't yer hands good enough for ya?" She makes a face.

"Miss Fujiwara..." Yomi draws your attention away from the comedic scene.

"Yes?" You look over at the tall demon. In spite of his blindness, you feel as if he can see right through you. It isn't a feeling you like, either.

"Your purpose here is merely to observe?"

You swallow another bite of rice and chew slowly. Kurama glances at you.

"Yes, it's as Kurama said." You reach for your cup of tea.

"Then why has your heart and respiratory rate changed?"

You almost choke on your tea. Is he some kind of walking lie detector!?

"It is the primary objective." Kurama glances at you again, then Yomi.

"No, I beleive that is your secondary objective." Yomi is still addressing you. You decide this isn't a verbal duel you can win, not if he can spot the physiological changes that come with the stress of lying. You'll cut your losses.

"You got me." You scratch your head. "So'd Koenma, now that I think about it. He totally played down why he was really sending me when he asked if I'd do this."

"Then the reason you are here is as I suspect. The Great Mother." Yomi continues.

"Seems to be the case." You consider calling Koenma to chew him out for tricking you. But he must have had a reason for sending me. It must be something only I can do, or he'd have found someone stronger. You remember the scroll Koenma gave you. A seal... Then this threat! He must not think it can be destroyed!

"Chiyori?" Kurama's voice brings you out of your rapid thoughts.

"Hm? Sorry, did you ask me something?"

"No... but you seemed unsettled." Kurama sounds concerned.

"Sorry. I just realized that babyface suckered me into this." You sweatdrop, but you can't shake an uneasy feeling about Ethelred and the Great Mother.

"Anyway." Yomi interjects. "I've heard things that may be of use to you during my travels with Shura."

"All right..." You resume eating. "Have you heard anything about Ethelred and his enchanted armor?"

"The head priest? Yes. He has a growing following. The armor, however, is actually like a part of him. A second skin you could say. I have heard it absorbs the energy of an attack and uses it to become stronger."

"No way!" Kin gapes. "Then how th' hell anybody gonna beat him in the tourney?"

"Most disconcerting..." Kurama frowns. "And this Great Mother he serves?"

"People call her a goddess. I have heard nothing else about her besides rumors she can grant power to those who dedicate themselves to her."

"A goddess..." You blink. "I wonder if Koenma knew that all along or not..." You decide you should call him later and what else he may know.

"Thank you, Yomi. I'm glad I wasn't mistaken in coming to you. I admit I was worried fora moment." Kurama bows his head appreciatively.

"It is a concern to many of us. I think I am rather glad for Koenma's meddling."

"Wait, you sayin' you brought us here not know if this would pan out!?" Kin looks at Kurama.

"I was never intending to bring you, Kin. My apologies though." He smiles at her, and she indignantly returns to her meal.

"Well, I appreciate the help." You smile at Yomi. When you and the others are finished eating you return to the guest room and flip open your cellphone.

"Spirit World switch board! Where may I direct your call?"

"Koenma's office."

"One moment please." You wait as your call is switched over.

"Lord Koenma's office! How can I help you?" A cheerful voice answers.

"It's Fujiwara. I need to speak to Koenma."

"Hold please!"

You hope Koenma doesn't keep you on hold forever. Several minutes of obnoxious hold music pass before he finally comes on the line.

"Koenma speaking!"

"Hey, it's me. I want to discuss some things." You can hear Koenma stamping while he's on the phone.

"Okay, shoot."

"Okay, I got a name for that threat you were worried about. Ethelred and the Great Mother. Ethelred is a demon, and the other is supposedly a power granting goddess. Now is there anything you might have 'neglected' to tell me?" You wait for an answer.

"... A goddess..." Koenma's tone becomes serious, and the sound of stamping in the background ceases. "Are you sure?"

"No, I'm not sure about anything. Now I want to know whatever it is you aren't telling me." You roll your eyes while Kurama and Kin wait quietly.

"... I'm not sure myself, but if my fears correct... this Great Mother is the primordial mother goddess. She has been sleeping since she created the world..."

"Way back when all the worlds were one, right?" You listen with a curious dread.

"Yes. If this truly is the case... the end of the world you mortals are always prophesying could come to pass."

"WHAT!?" Kin and Kurama are startled by your sudden outbursts. "What do you mean!? Can she be stopped!?"

"Yes, yes! That's why I gave you the scroll. I believe you're capable of sealing her away and preventing it!" Konema squeaks slightly.

"Flattering. Really. But I wish you'd just told me this before." You start pacing. "You tricked me!"

"We weren't sure at the time, and we can't be certain yet that this is the goddess, Chiyori. I needed you to be there. Besides, would you have really taken this case if I said 'Hey, might need you to stop an apocalypse'?"

"... Point." You frown and stop pacing. "Well, I'm here. No sense turning back." You sigh.

"One more piece of information." Koenma sighs as well. "This Great Mother may only be a part of her. You see, based on our theories, she was split into three pieces when the world was divided into the three realms of Spirit, Human, and Demon."

"Oh, so it's only a third of a goddess. That is so much better." You retort dryly. "What makes you think she even can be sealed?"

"Manifested, she is subject to the physics of the world she created. If this is indeed the mother goddess, that is."

"I'll do what I can." You sigh and press the "end" button on your phone.

"What did Koenma have to say?" Kurama looks at you. You reiterate what you've learned with cheerful sarcasm.

"Yer shittin' us, right?" Kin stares at you like your grew a second head or something.

"I wish I was." You sigh and examine the scroll, running hundreds of kanji and other symbols through your mind. You wish you could ask your mother. There was so much she still hadn't taught you before she died.

"We do not know the true nature of this being." Kurama muses. "What is the purpose of the alliance with Ethelred? And if this is indeed only a third of her, are the other parts awake or manifested?" Kurama closes his eyes in thought.

"... That cult you told me about on the news..." You frown.

"Here, I'll inform Koenma." Kurama holds out a hand for you phone. Not in any mood to speak with the prince again, you hand it over.

"Speed dial two." You sit down on the floor with Kin, chatting idly while Kurama is on the phone with Koenma.

"So..." You search your mind for something besides apocalyptic goddesses to discuss. "You're looking for a mate, right?"

"Yep." Kin nods.

"Any strong guy, or another cat?" Neither of you are really interested in what you're saying.

"As long as he's a strong mate, I don't mind if he ain't a cat. No humans though, no offense or nothin'." Kin's eyes get a distant look, like she's remembering something.

"None taken..." You blink, waiting for her to continue, but she doesn't. "Kin?"

"Heh, sorry. I's just thinkin' about my real little sister. Heh... What else you think matters in a mate 'sides strength?" She returns the conversation to the subject of mates.

"Lots of things, I guess..." You look down at your jade ring.

"Yeah? Like what?" Kin makes a disbelieving face.


Kin makes a noncommittal noise.

"Here." Kurama gives you your phone. "He's looking into the situation in Human World, but according to current information there is no manifestation of the goddess there."

"Okay, thanks." You sigh. "Let's get some sleep. It's nice to not be camping." You stretch your arms above your head.

"Outdoors is fine fer me." Kin teases you as you get ready for bed.

Lights out, the three of you settle in to sleep with Kin's faint purrs filling the night silence. The sound has become familiar and comfortable to you now, after having spent so many nights camping together.

If I had an older sister, I think she would be something like Kin. You close your hazel eyes and you roll onto your side. You find yourself wondering about Kin's real little sister, but eventually your thoughts take you back to your mission. You try to design a seal in your mind that will work. You pour over memories of your mother's teachings. Blood. It will have to be written in my blood. You conclude before falling into a weary sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kin is actually one of my favorite characters. Kurama though, he's such a difficult character for me to write. Using this very limited perspective makes it a little easier though because I don't have to try and get inside his head so much.

Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear from you. :)