Lore of Anteria

The Races

In the center of the world, Anteria, lay the Fairie Kingdom. These are not the docile Fairies of other worlds. These are proud and strong Fairies.

They stand 16 hands tall, with tattered wings and wear blades at their hips. They are the protection of the Great Tree that gave life.

The hair colour varies greatly, depending on what kind of Fairie they are. As does the eye colour and skin colour.

Fire, Water, Light, Earth, Wind and Dark Fairies. The Dark Fairies went extinct Mellinia ago and the Light Fairies are a rare breed.

Their God is Kasimir. For he was born, mortal, as a Fire Elf. He was a General among the troops and led them bravely into the Battle of Night, sacrificng himself to save the Princess Lania. Radek granted him immortality and chose the brave Fairie to become the God of War.

Light Elves
To the North of the Fairies, lay the realm of the Light Elves. The Destruction Clan, The Dawn Clan and The Clan of the Champion are the most prominent of the clans.

Hurracki Destruction and Tornada Destruction brought the Clan of Destruction together, building an empire and wielding their elemental magic against the magicless Dark Elves. They bore a son, an heir to the Empire. His name was Chaos Liendar Destruction.

Brightblade Dawn was a Wood Elf, he had sworn to the whatever Gods there may be, that he would protect the world against the menace that was the Dark Elf. Many flocked to his cause, for the Dark Elves were leaving chaos in their wake. His successor, Adarian, had accomplished his goal, when Balazar laid Shadow Slayer in his hands. The sword is venomous to the Dark Elves. Zerimon lost the sword when he sought to annihiliate the Dark Elves for good.

Alwinera was the First Champion of the Thirteen Kingdoms of Agonia, the final defence against the oncoming Dark Elves, in the Battle of Night. She drove them back to the Castle of Dawn and with Adarian's aid, she banished them back to the caves from which they had risen.

Normally, each Champion is defeated by the next. In Alwinera's case, this was not so. She recieved a fatal wound in the Battle of Night and Radek asked her to be the Goddess of Time. She accepted, but resides on Anteria, in the Grandier Woods, Chronicling the passage of time. She knows what has been and what will be.

Dark Elves
Not much is known about the Dark Elf. They relentlessly search for their Ta'armi, the one who will liberate them from their caverns and woods.

They swarmed onto Anteria, looking for him, they were driven back by the Kingdoms.


Clearly outnumbered 7:3 Elf to Human Ratio, they are scattered to every corner of Anteria.
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Each week, two or three of the races will be added to this page. I can't do it all in one night, because I get sleepy.

-Aviendia Omen