Dream a Little Dream

Chapter Thirty-nine

“Will you stop fussing? I can do it!” she said exasperated. Ever since she’d gotten home from the hospital, Sidney had waited on her hand and foot and would not let her do anything. At first it was sweet. It was nice to be taken care of some of the time, but this was getting old.

“How can you do it? Your arm is in a sling. Give it to me,” he ordered, taking the bowl of batter from her good hand.

“I am not an invalid, Sidney Patrick Crosby. I think I can manage to make some pancakes!”

“You can’t stir them and hold the bowl at the same time,” he said laughing at her annoyance.

“I can,” she said stubbornly. “Besides, that’s why someone invented an electric mixer.”

“Ew. No, they are better by hand. Stop being so ornery and let me do it.”

“You’re the one who is being stubborn. You won’t let me do anything!”

“Pate, you were shot, for heaven’s sake. You can let me help out,” he said, smirking as she huffed over to the table and sat down.

She watched him stir the pancake batter and sighed. She frowned and adjusted the sling on her arm. The bullet had gone straight through her shoulder. She had been lucky. It could have been much worse. It was sore. It was hard to sleep as well, but none of that mattered. What mattered was standing right there in front of her stirring her pancakes. She watched him pour the batter onto the griddle and he glanced and flashed her that brilliant smile. Her irritation dissolved.

“I think I want chocolate chips today,” he said. “Would you get them for me?”

She pulled the jar of chocolate chips from the cabinets and sat them on the counter. She looked at the jar perplexed. There was something besides chocolate inside. She pulled the lid off and gasped.


She looked into the jar at the sparkling, marquise-cut diamond ring resting on top of the chips. Her heart jumped in her chest. She turned to him and he got down on one knee.

“Baby, I love you. I don’t want to be without you, ever. Will you marry me?”

Her hands were shaking so much, she almost dropped the jar. He took the jar from her, pulled the ring out and took her left hand. He started to put the ring on her finger and hesitated. He looked up at her.

Suddenly, she realized he was waiting for an answer.

“Oh, yes!” she exclaimed. “Oh, Sidney, yes.” She dropped to her knees in front of him. She pulled his face to hers and kissed him. He slid the ring onto her finger and ran his hands up into her hair and kissed her again.

“I love you, Sidney,” she said, overwhelmed with emotion and held him close. “But I think the pancakes are burning.”

The End.