Status: Active

Who I Really Am

Grab and Dunk

Humming along to the radio,Brian steered the car into Izzy's street, slowing down as he neared her home. It was a beautiful Sunday, and for the first time in as long as Brian could remember, everything felt right with the world. Well, not quite everything.

When Brian had spoken to Zack earlier that day, his friend had been happy to hear that Izzy would be joining them in the afternoon, but had been less enthusiastic about the small favor Brian had asked of him regarding the white lie Brian had spun Izzy on their date. However, with some reluctance Zack had agreed to let the rest know just what he'd done and that it was something they'd discuss later, which was the one part of the day Brian realised was not going to be pleasant. 

Finally bringing the car to a halt outside the house, Brian jumped out, locking the door before heading up the driveway. Before he had chance to knock, the door opened, Izzy standing there, bag in hand, an apologetic look on her face.

"We're running a little late, Amber's having some kind of bikini in she can't find one," Izzy told Brian meekly, stepping aside to let him in.

Brian had called ahead earlier and told Izzy that Zack had said to invite Amber along to join them.

"Well I'm sure the guys won't mind if she wants to skinny dip later," Brian stated with a chuckle.

"I heard that!" Amber yelled from upstairs. 

Izzy grinned at Brian before leading him through to the kitchen, where an array of necessities for the day lay spread out over the counter. Brian sat on one of the stools, accepting the ice cold bottle of water Izzy handed him from the fridge. He watched for a moment as she placed things in her bag.

"Factor 50 sun lotion?" he questioned with a smirk.

"Unless you want me to look like a bloody lobster by the end of the day, the red hair pale skin combo tends to make it somewhat of a requirement," Izzy explained.

"Ah, gotcha!" Brian replied, taking her hand and pulling her towards him so she settled between his legs. "Hi by the way," he murmured, leaning in to kiss her. 

Izzy's arms seemed to develop a mind of their own, slipping round Brian's neck as Izzy felt herself becoming caught up in the kiss. Brian's hands settled near the small of her back, bringing her in closer, trying to surpress the groan building inside him at the soft playful kisses Izzy's lips left on his.Combined with the taste of the vanilla lipbalm she wore, Brian was finding himself more than mildly turned on. 

The shrill ringing of the phone came as a strange yet blessed relief. Brian realised he needed to slow things down before he ended up getting completely carried away. Izzy moved away from him, to answer the call, her hand resting on his thigh as she spoke.

"Mum, I can't talk for long, I'm going out soon."

"That's ok sweetie, I was just calling to see how last night went."

" was wonderful," Izzy answered, blushing a little as she glanced at Brian.

"That's it? It was he there? Oh! Did he stay the night?" Grace cried, loud enough to raise a silent chuckle from Brian.

"Mum..please!" Izzy groaned

"Honey, I'm you're mom, I want to know these things!"

"You are probably the only mother in the world that wants to know!"

"I just want to know you're happy sweetie, that's all....I'll call you tonight...if you're not otherwise engaged."

Izzy didn't miss the implication in Grace's tone.

"Believe me mum, I won't be, I'll speak to you tonight," Izzy assured her. 

"Ok sweetie, love to Amber.....and Brian! Love you!"

"Love you too mum."

Izzy gave Brian a shy smile as she placed the phone on the counter.

"Your mom sounds like quite a character," Brian stated with a smirk.

"Oh Grace is one in a million, believe me, but I wouldn't change that for anything. Come on, I'll show you something." 

Brian took Izzy's hand as she walked him through to the lounge, and over to a wall covered in framed photographs. One set caught his eye in particular. Black and white images of a woman wearing very little, huge fans covering her dignity. There was something awfully familiar about the young woman in them. Izzy giggled as Brian's eyes widened at the thought that was obviously going through his mind. 

"Not me before you's my mum."


"Mmhmm, she was a burlesque dancer in a couple of the underground clubs in LA back in the late 70's," Izzy informed him.

Brian looked at Izzy, smirk set firmly in place.

"So you never had any desire to follow in her footsteps...keep the family tradition going then?" he asked, setting his hands on her hips.

"!" Izzy laughed "But if I change my mind, I'll let you know," she added, once again wondering why it was Brian seemed to bring out a confidence in her she never really knew she had.

"I'm ready...sorry...was I interupting?"

Amber stood in the doorway, looking apologetic.

"No....but there's just one problem," Brian began "you can't skinny dip in a bikini Amber!" he added, dodging the well aimed pillow Amber threw in his direction. 

Izzy looked between them shaking her head. Today was going to be an interesting one that was for sure.


Matt sat in the shade of one of the umbrellas Zacky had set up, beer in hand, slowly topping up the alcohol that was still flowing through his veins from the night before. It had to be said that his friends had been succesful in their mission to ensure that he ended the evening completely unaware of who or where he was. Matt couldn't even recall how he had managed to find his way home, until Jimmy had informed him that Johnny had attempted to help him, which must've been one hell of an amusing sight.

However, inspite of how damn good he may have felt last night, everything that he had successfully oushed to the back of his mind had managed to crawl it's way back to the front. Knowing that Val was out there somewhere happy with someone new hurt like hell. All it did was make Matt feel as though maybe he had done something wrong, and that her excuses for ending what they'd had were nothing more than lies to possibley spare his feelings. Well if that had been her intention, she had failed miserabley.

Laughter from nearby caused Matt to look over his shoulder, groaning as he saw Brian approaching with who he could only presume was Izzy by the way their hands were linked, and someone else Matt didn't recognise.Over the last few months, Matt had found social situations more bearable with both he and Brian being single, but now that seemed all set to change. There was no way Brian would have considered asking Izzy to join them today if he didn't see her as more than just a short term thing. Which made Matt wonder why Brian had chosen to be a dumbass and lie about who he was. 

Ignoring the excited chatter going on from somewhere behind him, Matt turned his attentions back to his beer, rolling his eyes at the sound of hs friends welcoming Izzy and the unknown stranger into their fold. Chances are when Izzy discovered Brian was being less than truthful she'd send him on his way anyway, so why everyone was making such a huge deal over her being there was beyond him. 

"Hangover making you a little anti social Matthew?" 

Matt glanced up at Jimmy's girlfriend, Leana from behind the cover of his aviators and shrugged.

"Maybe. Gates has got a new woman, it's nothing new," he murmured. 

Leana settled herself next to Matt on the sand.

"Matt, I know you're smarting right now after hearing about Val, but Brian's been burned in the last few months too. Just try and be happy for him yeah, because I don't think Izzy's gonna be disappearing any time soon."

Matt sighed heavily.

"Whatever Lea," he mumbled. "Who's the other chick anyway? A reserve just incase Izzy doesn't work out?"

"Matt!"Leana cried "No! She's Izzy's best friend, Amber. Apparently they share a house and shit. She seems really lovely like Izzy....."

Matt didn't miss the way in which Leana trailed off.

"No fucking way Lea, you can stop that shit right there!" Matt hissed.

"I'm not that fucking lonely that I'm just gonna pair up with the third wheel. That better not be why she was invited along," he added, downing the remainder of his beer before getting up to fetch another.

Matt walked with purpose over to one of the coolers filled to the brim with beer, trying his best not to catch anyone's attention.

"Hey Matt," Brian called in his direction.

Matt groaned and contiuned with opening his beer, just nodding back a hello to Brian.

"This is Izzy, and her friend Amber," Brian continued.

Matt found himself taking comfort in the knowledge that his glasses hid the fact that his gaze had settled on Amber, because there was no way he wanted anyone to see the way his eyes raked over her, taking in every little detail. For the first time since Val left, Matt felt something stir within him. Shaking his head and menatlly cursing himself, Matt pushed the thoughts that were running through his head as far to the back of his mind as possible.

"Nice to meet you, pleasure's all mine, whatever..." he muttered, walking back to sit in the shade once more.

"Oh he's a real charmer, bet he's a thrill a minute to be around," Amber muttered.


"Well...what a dumbass!"

"He's just a little pissy right now," Brian explained "he'll lighten up.....eventually," he added hopefully. 

A while later Jimmy stood with Brian watching Izzy, Amber and the other girls all sitting around chatting. Jimmy found himself thinking that finally Brian had met someone who was just going to fit right in with their tightknit, and some might even say slightly eccentric little clan. He and everyone else seemed to be intrigued and captivated by her pleasant nature and undeniable air of innocence, making it easy to see why Brian liked her. She was the polar opposite of anyone Brian had hooked up with over the last few months, and Michelle for that matter. Izzy was the breath of fresh air that Brian, and indeed all of them, needed. 

"Why do women insist on wearing very little yet go nowhere near the water?" Johnny asked with a sigh as he and Zack joined Jimmy and Brian. 

"You just want to see if that little white number of Lacey's goes as see through as you hope," Brian chuckled.

"Oh...and you're not wishing Izzy would actually reveal more of that purple bikini other than what we can see under her shirt?" Zacky questioned. "Bet you were mentally undressing her when you picked her up earlier," he added with a smirk.

"He probably hasn't stopped," Jimmy pointed out, laughing at the scowl Brian threw at him.

"Well I say we need to take some drastic action," Johnny stated.

"Are you suggesting a grab and dunk?" Brian questioned, unconsciously licking his lips at the very thought.

"That's exactly what I'm suggesting," Johnny assured him with a grin.

"Although we may need Matt's assistance for know, just to ensure Amber doesn't get left out of the experience."

"I'm not sure about that dude, he's not exactly the life and soul this afternoon. He needs to fucking snap out of the funk before I get Brian to kick his as,s" Zacky mumbled. 

"The only ass I'll be kicking is yours for being such a pussy," Brian informed him.

"What are you girls talking about?" 

Matt stood behind them, obviously fed up of not being part of the conversation.

"Christ was suggesting a little grab and dunk to join us?" Jimmy asked.

Matt stood back a little and surveyed the situation, shrugging.

"I could go with some of that."

Brian stripped off his shirt, and grinned.

"Ready gentlemen?" 

Four simultaneuous nods met his question before all five hurtled down the sand. Screams filled the air as each of them ran towards the ocean, laughing as they tried to avoid flailing limbs before landing in the water.


Brian looked up from where he lay in the water, Izzy in his arms. Matt stood with the ocean lapping at his ankles, laughing as Amber struggled to sit up from where he had thrown her down. 

"Oh quit your whining!" he chuckled walking back up the beach.

"Well that didn't quite go to plan," Brian mumbled. 

"Gather he wasn't just meant to drop her in like that," Izzy figured out, judging by the position she and Brian were still in. 

Brian looked back down at Izzy and smiled.

"You ok?...we couldn't resist, sorry," he apologised, that all too familiar smirk making an appearance.

"I'm fine," Izzy laughed "I'd better check on Amber though."

"Ok....just one thing before you do though."

Izzy gasped at the sensation of Brian tracing his tongue along her lip, forgetting herself and where she was as Brian massaged her tongue playfully with his own. 

"Brian, try and refrain from the public sex display, it's turning me on a little way too much for my liking."

Jimmy's words caused Brian to smirk against Izzy's lips. He stood up and helped Izzy up out of the water.

"You're a sick sick man Sullivan," he told his friend as he watched Izzy walk over to Amber, groaning as Izzy pulled her shirt over her head to reveal the bikini she'd kept covered until then. 

"And you my friend maybe need to rethink your little fabrication when it comes to Izzy. You obviously like her, hell, we all like her, and I wouldn't want to see you lose someone like her all because you failed to tell her the truth from the outset. If you see this going somewhere further than just an occassional need to sort it out fast," Jimmy warned, before walking back over to where Zacky was busy with the grill. 

Brian studied Izzy as she spoke to Amber. He knew Jimmy was right, it was just figuring out how to go about it.

"Stupid, dumb iron pumping, tattoo covered idiot," Amber mumbled as she sorted herself out, frowning at Izzy who did nothing to hide her amusement at the situation.

"It's okay for you to laugh Iz, but right now my ass hurts like crazy, it's gonna bruise I just know it."

"Sorry Ambs, it was a little cruel of him" Izzy admitted with a smile. "Brian hadn't realised Matt was going to do that."

"Well he did, and I'd give him a piece of my mind if he wasn't so damn cute to go with it all....but that doesn't detract from the fact that he's an asshole right now!"

Izzy stared wide eyed at Amber, not sure if she'd heard her correctly.

"Did you just say Matt was cute?"" she questioned quietly, looking around to see if anyone else had heard.

"I er....well.....maybe..." Amber stuttered.

"Oh Ambs, trust you," Izzy laughed "The guy acts like a complete asshole towards you, and yet you manage to find him attractive underneath all that.....although I can see where you're coming from."

"'ve got Brian to look at! But it's not like I'm ever going to act on it, because he would drive me crazy within five minutes. I need a beer," Amber muttered heading back up the beach, giving Matt a wide berth.

Izzy looked down as two heavily tattooed arms encircled her waist.

"Is she alright?" Brian asked.

"Oh yes, I think she's more than alright," Izzy replied, leaning against Brian's bare chest, noting the way Matt's gaze settled on Amber as she sat with the others. 

"Oh he likes her," Brian whispered, his lips grazing Izzy's ear, obviously having seen what she had. 

"Well the feeling's mutual," Izzy assured him.

"Really now? Hmm.....interesting," Brian mused, a plan already forming that would maybe help Matt get back to his old self, before the one that was around right now drove them all fucking crazy. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you all so much for the comments, you guys are amazing :) xx

Oh, and just so you know, the Amber in the story is clemsongirl26..check out her stories!