Love in a Mist

A small outpost on the boarder of the Land of Mist has had a few problems with forces from the Land of Ice. These incidents cannot be explained and very little is known about what is going on other than Mist soldiers are dying. A special unit is being sent to the outpost in order to figure out what the problem is and to solve it. But can Ecisa discover what is wrong while trying to learn the meaning of her recurring dreams? The dream started the day she learned that she would be heading close to the Land of Ice. Could there possibly be some part of her past, some memory that is causing her dreams?

Love-in-a-mist - A white or pale blue flower that blooms every year. Native to the Mediterranean. The mist stands for the fine assortment of bracts that surround the flower.
Latin name: Nigella damascena


Ecisa Dolc - Young girl who was adopted into the Mist Special Forces at the age of 10. No one is exactly sure about where she came from and even she doesn’t remember much of her past. Four years have past since she was adopted and she quickly made a reputation for herself as the bright young new prodigy.

Edward Ryen - Mist Special Forces commander who first took an interest in Ecisa after she was discovered. Insisted on her adoption into the Special Forces Unit and acted as sort of a parental figure for the orphan girl.

Eli Ryen - Edward Ryen’s son and second in command on the outpost Ecisa travels too. He is her escort once she arrives as well as her informant on the situation

Wraith - Alias for the commander of the Ice forces that are causing problems for the outpost. Nothing is known about him other than since he became a commander he has never once lost a battle.
  1. Lost
    Love in a Mist Chapter One
  2. Awake
    Love in a Mist Chapter Two