Love in a Mist


An endless ocean that extended out in all directions without any land in sight. There was nothing other than the open water flowing all around me, the sun shining brightly amongst the blue sky barely a cloud in sight. I stood ankle deep in the middle of it all on a small sandbar hidden inches under the water, nothing around me no other sign of life in this place. How did I end up here? How would I get home? What should I do now? The bank that I stood on was shaped like a fading moon, a crescent shape that was only twenty or so feet long and five feet thick at its center. I stood alone in all this water holding up the end of the white sleeveless dress that I wore, searching in all directions for something. There had to be something else here, I couldn’t be alone in a place such as this. I waited in this empty place for what seemed like hours but were probably only seconds, in a place like this time itself could be lost. The sun never moved from its high perch in the sky, never descending from the noon hour. But the heat of the sun was not harsh and the water at my feet was not cool. I knew that the sun was shining and that I was ankle deep in water and I could feel its touch but I could not feel the warmth of the rays or the chill of the waves. Everything felt dull somehow, diluted as though none of it was real. I was lost in this strange place surrounded by water with no where to go. Yet this place felt familiar somehow as though I knew it from somewhere or had been here before. A memory that I couldn’t quite grasp, almost as though I were trying to capture smoke with my hands. A soft breeze flowed from behind me flowing through my hair and dress, bringing a faint yet familiar voice along it.
“Come…this way.” I knew that voice but I could not place it. I turned in the direction of the voice but still there was nothing. Just the same endless expansion of water that was in every other direction. There was something flowing far away, the breeze carrying over the water in the direction of the crescent that I stood on. It was small and too far away to see exactly what it was, but I knew it was important. I had to get it, I had to find a way to hold it in my hands. I let go of the white dress and started walking off the sandbar closer to the object. Farther and farther I went as the water rose up past my waist, then my shoulders, then over my head. I tried to swim but something kept me down below the water, preventing me from rising to the surface to breathe. An unseen force dragged me deeper and deeper as the air left my lungs and was replaced by water. The silent panic of being unable to breathe, the fear of the water where the sun could not reach, the terror of the darkness as I fell endlessly. Everything began to fade away as my heart slowed and my thoughts darkened.