Status: FINE!

Airplanes in the Night Sky


Coming to the landing strips of O’Hare airport is what really helped Alisa clear her head. It was her third night in a row visiting and watching the airplanes take off and land. Saying she was stressed was only half of the problems she has been having. Being a grad student at Columbia for dance was not only hard but time consuming. She had made more friends in Chicago than she had back home.

Being a senior she knew she had to now find a studio to choose to dance at; there have been so many offers it was over whelming. There was just one thing that was always on her mind, her relationship with Jonathan Toews. That is if you could call it a relationship, they have been friends since she started college. Going to a NHL game was something she has always wanted to do. Alisa met Jon at the game they were both heading to their cars and she was texting while walking.

Knocking Jon and herself to the ground she just laughed and apologized and that is when their friendship bloomed. It was two years ago exactly, Jon was actually just a year into his NHL career when they met. Alisa looked into the night sky and watched the stars because the planes now died down from departure and arrival. “I thought you would be here.” She heard her best friend’s voice as he jumped on the hood of the car with her.

“Yeah I need time to think a bit.” She said without even looking at Jon. She was thinking mostly about earlier events that took place at Adam Burishs’ house party.

“Look Alisa…I…” Jon stuttered.

“Jon I understand. You have a girlfriend and you love her. My feelings for you had just gotten in the way of things.” She shrugged.

Jonathan arrived at the party with Andi. Alisa saw from across the room the man she was in love with holding his girlfriend of one year. She wanted to tell Jon her feelings before anything but it was hard for her. The only other man she loved was a boy in high school who rejected her feelings for a “prettier” girl. “Alisa, just tell him. What would have to loose?” asked Tina Patrick’s current girlfriend.

“I have his friendship to loose. I would rather have him as a friend then nothing at all. It hurts so much at the same time though.” Alisa explained while her brown bangs kept falling in her face. Watching them Alisa couldn’t help but want to feel his arms around her instead of that excuse for a girlfriend.

Alisa knew that whenever Jon was out of town that Andi was sneaking around with a guy on Alisa’s apartment floor. Alisa thought at first maybe she wanted to get caught. Maybe she actually wanted to loose Jon on purpose. Her own thoughts were taking over and she now couldn’t have a good time. Grabbing her jacket she headed out the door without saying bye to anyone. She was half-way down the hallway,

“ALISA!” She turned around and saw Jon a few steps near her. “Why’d you leave I was just about to say hey?” he asked.

“Just tired I guess…” But Jon knew it was something else.

“What is bothering huh? You have been acting like you don’t want to be anywhere near me? What the hell is going on?” he asked unsympathetically. She could see coldness in his eyes she never saw before.

“Excuse me?” she said grounding her feet and crossing her arms.

“You heard me.” He said blankly.

“It isn’t me Jon. It is your skanky ass girlfriend that you love so much.”

“Come on Alisa. You know that is not true how many damn times do I have to tell you.” He argued.

“What do the guys think of her huh Jon?”

“They think she is alright…not the greatest.” He explained

“Then why date her? Why don’t you want what is better for you?” She said now making the argument even more heated than before. Unfortunately, Jon towers over her five three frame.

“I love her Alisa, why can’t you just be happy for me?” He screamed.

“I love you so much more than that Bitch ever will.” She said calmly and left leaving Jon just standing there.

They were both quiet as another plane landed. Jon couldn’t help but look at Alisa. He loved her more than she knows; the way her eyes turn honey in the sunlight instead of brown and how she shows him all the routines she practices before showing a full audience. What he loves the most is just being in a moment like this, sitting on top of a car just talking.

Jon grabbed Alisa’s hand and held it while he turned to speak to her. “Alisa I love you more than anything. I knew Andi has been cheating and I know she is an absolute bitch to everyone but she will never compare to you. I don’t deserve but I want you. I don’t have to have you but I fucking need you more than anything.” She looked at Jon and couldn’t believe what he was saying. “I don’t just want you psychically but I want every piece of your mind, heart, and soul. Please tell me what I want is what you want too.”

“How long?” was all she asked.

“Since I went to your first Showcase at Columbia six months after we met.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I thought since you were so busy with dance you wouldn’t want to be in a relationship, that you would want to concentrate on getting into Martha Graham.”

“I’ve loved you since I knocked you over.” She said smirking a bit, Jonathan smiled in return.

For some reason Alisa knew making watching the airplanes in the night sky would some how benefit her. And it did, she finally got her chance with the man she truly loves.
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Congratulations Alisa!