‹ Prequel: Imperfectly Beautiful

Play Me A Picture

Photography has always been a huge passion for the middle formerly well-known Jonas Brother, Joe Jonas. But with a heightened reputation as one third of the most famous brother group known around the world, he never had the time or the inspiration to focus on anything besides his singing and acting career.

But now, with a girlfriend who not only supports his new career, but shares the same passions as him, will he finally be able to realize the true potential he has? Or will another road block be put in the way of him finally achieving his long-term dream?

Peyton Becker never expected herself to be in the situation that she is in now. Carrying her boyfriend’s child while attempting to run her own photography studio still seems to be surreal for her. And with her best friend long gone to Los Angeles to pursue her own photography career, it’s easy for Peyton to feel alone.

Will all of that change when the baby is born? Or will the past year’s events still feel as if they are only a dream?