Status: Work in progress

Who Am I Living For?

Chapter 4

After showing me my room the dean took my aunt to talk down at her office. I was left to unpack alone. All the other girls that would be in the house, including my roommate who from what I could tell is a neat freak, were all at classes. I sat down on my uncovered bed next to one of my many bags. I let out a deep sigh and looked around the room. Across the room I spotted a giant photo collage. Intrigued by this, I stood up and walked across the room to look at the pictures. After I looked at a few I started to figure out which one was my roommate. My roommate had shoulder length, light brown – almost blonde hair and blue eyes.
When I was done looking at the collage, I walked over to my side of the room and started to pull clothes out of my bags. I heard footsteps outside the door and muted voices. I continued to unpack, not caring about the other girls I would have to live with for the rest of the school year.
The door swung open; I didn’t bother to look up. “Hey! You must be Cassandra, I’m Ariana but you can call me Ronnie,” I looked over my shoulder to see the girl from the pictures smiling at me. She had on a khaki skirt, a grey sweater with a white shirt peaking out underneath, black stockings, and khaki flats on. She had mascara on and her hair down simply.
“It’s Cassie,” I said. She pulled back a little like I had slapped her or something.
“Oh, sorry. Well, welcome to Kimball, you’ll love it here,” she said in her upbeat voice.
“Doubtful,” I said as I went back to pulling clothes out of my bag.
“Uhm, well, I see you’re busy unpacking. I’ll be over here, if you need anything let me know,” She was probably smiling again but I didn’t turn around to find out for sure.
We spent the rest of the afternoon in silence; her at her desk writing away and me unpacking my stuff. I had finished unpacking my clothes and most of my other stuff when she finally spoke up again. “Dinner is served at 6 everyday at the mess hall, I was about to head down, if you wanted to come.” Even though I wanted nothing to do with this girl and her crappy school, I was hungry. I nodded and she smiled sweetly at me. I just looked at her and grabbed my jacket off the bed post, heading towards the door. She followed me out the door, down the stairs, and out to the lawn. “It’s a bit of a walk, but it’s not too far,” I didn’t say anything as we walked side by side towards the rest of campus, “So,” she said, obviously trying to make small talk, “Where are you from?”
“Los Angeles,” I stated simply. I couldn’t ignore her forever.
“Wow, I’ve never been off the east coast. It must be amazing there. What’s it like there?”
“Warm,” I said again simply. She laughed slightly.
“Must be nice. I’ve lived in Massachusetts my whole life, even in the summer it’s not always warm.”
“Listen, I know you’re trying to be nice to me cause I’m new and whatever, but I just want you to know that I don’t want to be here and I don’t plan on making friends.” She stopped in her tracks.
“Okay, now you listen,” this was the rudest I’d heard her been yet, “Do you think any of us actually want to be here? No. But you could at least make the best of it and stop being such a bitch. I’m trying to be nice to you but seriously, this is ridiculous. I haven’t done anything to you since I met you for you to treat me like this. Honestly, Cassie, if you plan on surviving around here you better suck it up and learn to be at least a little politer to people. Otherwise you’re going to drowned.”
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hope you guys like the updateee! comment pleasee <3

Ronnie's Outfit