Status: Quite done.



Jonathan Lewis Seward awoke in a dark place. His head hurt as he sat up and touched whatever was it that sustained him, he thought of it as the floor. What else could it be? It wasn´t a bed, that was for sure. This was something hard, it was complicated to explain, but it felt like a dirt floor, yet it had a crystal sensation to it. He tried to adjust his sight to that overwhelming darkness, and was unable to.

Panic started creeping in on him; he felt like a prey, it wasn’t a nice feeling, and less knowing that he had nothing to be based on about it, it was just a feeling. All he wanted to know was where he was, and what was around him.

He went through the thought of standing up in his mind, and decided it might not be the best thing to do in such situation, but what was the best thing to do? Hell, what could he do, having as a statement that there wouldn’t be a consequence for even breathing? In an unknown place even for him; considering he was in the site; and he couldn’t even tell the difference, whether he was inside or outside.

Don´t be a fag, Johnny, just stand up.

He prepared himself mentally to get up, but his legs didn’t cooperate as his brain told them to bend and lift his upper body, assuring them the arms would help. They just remained spread before him, paralyzed. At first he thought that maybe his legs had fallen asleep on him, but he couldn’t feel that funny tingle you normally get when that´s the case.

A loud thud was heard, and an orange light burnt all around. Johnny went blind for a couple of seconds, but recovered his sight fully afterwards. He looked around at the flames that surrounded him. But beyond the flames nothing was visible, it was just opaque darkness. It was as if he were floating in the nothing; and the flames seemed to do so as well.

“Jesus Christ...” His own voice startled him as he thought aloud. “Where am I?”He had never thought he´d ask that to himself, yet there he was, and with no map.

“Johnny?”Jonathan´s eyes widened and his face froze all at once, then he recognized the voice. It was Syn… Brian. “Matt? …Guys?”

“Syn!? Syn, man, are you there?” Matt´s voice echoed through the nothing.

Johnny could hear it as if Matt were right next to him, it even hurt his earlobe. But just as he thought he´d look over his shoulder to find Matt he realized that there was nothing but suspended flames behind him.