Mysterious Song

-Chapter 1-

I hate this place! It has nothing. No internet or signal. How do they even communicate? Letters?

Anyway….mom sent me to Elmswood for the summer. She said it’ll be good for me. I get to meet "new people" and I get to hang out with grandma! Lucky me! (Please note the sarcasm!) Well….I’m not having a great time. I only spent two days and it feels like decades. I guess I would feel that way since I’m surrounded by old people.

I would LOVE this place if they had parties once in a while. It’s boring. I mean, what do they do here for fun anyway? Play bingo?
To make my summer worse, my grandma, age seventy five by the way, owns seven annoying cats. Ew! Not much of a cat person here! Did I mention she pretends they are her "dates"?

“Victoria! Come ‘er! I have to show you something!” grandma Rosie yelled. I think that’s what she said. I couldn’t hear because of all the meows. Talk about annoying!

“Comin” I shouted.

I rushed to the kitchen to find my grandma dancing with her cat, Clara, while a jazz song played on the kitchen counter! I know. Weird right? I can’t believe I agreed to spend MY summer in a strange place with my strange grandma! I want to go home! If only I could call my mother.

"Grandma?...What are you doing?" I asked, regretful. I guess she didn't hear since the radio is on full blast.

"Ohhh...I love this song. They used to play it on radio all the time." was all she said.

And they still do, I thought.

I waited for the song to end. When it did end, my grandma laughed heartily. Clara, on the other hand, felt dizzy. Poor cat! I guess that's what you get for dancing with your grandma! I have to remember that!

"Victoria dear! Good morning! Did you just come in? You should ha---"

"I've been here for ten minutes now grandma." I said, cutting her off mid-sentence. Well, I've only been standing here for a minute or two, but I didn't tell her that.

"Are you hungry? I prepared some toast and there's an orange juice in the refrigerator." she said before grabbing another cat named Mara.

I took out my phone and...NO SIGNAL!!!!!

"Grandma, I'm going for a jog! I'll eat when I come back," I told grandma before taking off.