Mysterious Song

-Chapter 11-

"What are you reading?" I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"I know this is a stupid question, but are you really here?" I asked. I felt stupid for asking that question.

"I guess. The last time I checked, I was standing next to the yellow slide behind you."

I turned around and saw him. I smiled.

I closed the book and put it on top of the other books.

"I guess I read these kind of books. I don't really read books but I just felt bored so....." I replied to his question.

"Do you believe in those," he pointed to the books with a "vampire" written across the cover. A "vampire" was biting a humans neck and blood was dripping on the humans shirt. Kinda creepy.

"No! They're myths!" I exclaimed.

There was an awkward silence.

"Why did you choose to spend the summer here?" he asked. He sat down next to the books.

"Well, I guess I don't really know anyone from my father's side. My mom and dad are divorced."

He was silent for a moment.

"It's probably hard to lose your parents huh?"

"Yea. They died one---" he stopped talking.

"Sorry....I shouldn't have brought that up!" I apologized.

"S okay."

Another awkward silence. His phone rang. The ringtone was the same song I had in my iPod.

"Where did you get that song?" I asked surprising him. He's not the only one who's surprised.

Why did he react that way? I was just asking about the song, I thought.

"Oh, the song? My mom used to play the piano so she composed this song for me to help me sleep when I was a child."

That's why he reacted that way. His mom composed it for him. What was I thinking? That he's hiding something?

He answered the phone call. After a minute, the call ended. What kind of a phone call is that? It takes me three hours to answer a phone call and it only took him one minute?

"So...uh...what's the song title?" I asked out of curiosity.

"The Mysterious Song."

"Oh...why did you choose to play the guitar?"

Shut up Victoria! I thought.

He shrugged. He has broad shoulders? I can't believe I didn't notice that before.

"Sorry, I gotta go!" he apologized. He waved goodbye and he was gone. I mean literally gone. I didn't even get a chance to ask for his phone number! What a disappointment!

Hold up! How come he got a signal, but I don't? Talk about another weird incident!