Mysterious Song

-Chapter 12-

"Where have you been?" grandma asked worried. Her age is starting to show.

"The park."

"What park? It takes about an hour or two to reach the only available park here."

"No! It took me like ten minutes." I said.

She looked confuse.

"Never mind. Actually, I went to the library." I told grandma before heading to my room. She didn't look happy or excited that I went to the library!

Why did he have to leave all of a sudden? Is it really that important? I mean we just met but, I thought as I walked towards my room.

I put the books on the table. I grabbed the book I was reading before and continued reading it. I was on the part where the girl finds out the guy was a vampire blah blah blah...

Speaking of books, why are there so much books about vampires in the library? And why is the librarian's face on the search results when I searched Damien? Everytime I find a possible answer, I get more confused than ever. Ugh! It's making my head hurt!

Who IS Damien?
When I finished the book, I felt sleepy. Reading books is kind of fun and boring at the same time. You have something to do but you don't really do anything. You just seat there and read words from a piece of paper. I guess I'm going to spend my summer reading books.

After about ten minutes, I fell asleep.