Mysterious Song

-Chapter 17-


Every five seconds, I turn around to see if someone is following me. I always have goosebumps.

I wish my grandma would just show up already. Where did she go anyway? She couldn't have gone to the market because we went yesterday. The refrigerator is full.

I went back to the park to check if Damien's there, but I guess he's not.

While I was walking home, I heard footsteps. I turned around and I didn't see anyone. How is that possible? Am I hallucinating? Or maybe I'm having a horrible nightmare?

I stopped walking for a moment. I turned around and I saw... Damien?

"You scared me!" I jumped an inch or two.

"Sorry? Why are you just standing there? Are you lost or something"

"No! I have a stalker. I keep getting this notes on the door and my grandma is missing."


"Anyway...they appear every five minutes. And I think my stalker knows you." I informed him.

"Really..." he sounded interested.

I nodded.

"I'll help you look, for your grandma I mean since I know most of the places in this town." he told me. He started walking north towards my grandma's, blue house and I followed.
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This is a crappy chapter...sorry