Mysterious Song

-Chapter 18-

We walked for ten minutes.

When we finally reached the blue house, we saw another note. The sticky note that was used this time was red or was it pink....anyway, before, the sticky notes were yellow. I guess whoever my stalker is ran out of yellow sticky notes.

"Looking for your grandma? You might not find her sooner...or later."

I felt weak. My knees were shaking and I can't move my whole body. It feels like I turned to stone all of a sudden. I held onto the silver door knob and tried to steady myself.

"Are you feelin' okay?"

"Fine...I think." was all I can say. My throat hurts and it feels like someone's trying to choke me.

Damien helped me steady myself. We went inside to the kitchen. The smell of my grandma's coffee is nostalgic. The chairs are left the same, they're surrounding the square mahogany table. I went to sit on one of them, my right hand still holding onto the note. I read it over and over again until everything sunk in.

"You wait here and I'll go look to see if someone's outside watching your every move." he said before leaving me with the note.

I took out my phone and I tried calling my best friend, but she's not answering her phone. Courtney, where are you? I really need to talk to you, I thought.

I put my head down on the table and I tried to stop the tears from falling. I can't. The tears kept on falling even if I try to stop it. What is wrong with me? I've never cried like this before. Even when my beloved dog died I did not cry.

After about three minutes, I heard two voices and by the sound of it, they are yelling at each other. Could it be Damien and my stalker? I thought before going to check on them.