Mysterious Song

-Chapter 25-

Finally, I'm out of the hospital! It's been two days and the doctor told me I can go home now so I didn't take my time to pack my things. Being at my grandma's house feels so nostalgic. I still can't believe she's gone! We had our final goodbyes earlier since my mom said we had to bury her immediately. I have no idea why and I haven't seen Damien for four days---make that five.

Standing on the welcome mat once stained by my grandma's blood with a black dress made me cry. I didn't even realize tears were falling down my cheeks. I stared at it for a moment before my mom ushered me to go inside. I wiped the tears and went in. The smell of cats' who knows what and coffee mixed together made my nose sting a bit.

I went to my room to pack because I had to go back home. I sat down on my bed and remembered about the door I almost went in during the incident four or maybe six days ago. I decided to go, but I was interrupted by a noise coming from my room. I decided to go check out the noise and I felt my blood drain from my face. The mysterious song from before was playing on the radio and one of grandma's cat was on the floor, covered in blood like my grandma. I started to scream and my mom came running to see what I was screaming about.

Her jaws dropped and she went pail like ghost. She came to hug me and we both cried. She tried to grab the phone with shaking hands, but the phone fell. We stared at it for a minute before she picked it up to call 911. While cradling the phone in her palm, still talking to the police or whoever, I looked around and saw a note on purple sticky note.

"Happy with my two beautiful, and well prepared presents? There are more coming!"

My knees shook and I had to seat on my bed to prevent from collapsing.

"...yes! Yes! Hurry please!" I heard my mom yelling over the phone. We looked at each other and from her look, I knew she was hiding something. She doesn't get this worried even when I cut my fingers or scraped my knees (don't think she's a bad mom though!). Her forehead creased and tears began to well up in her eyes.

She put the phone down. Well, she dropped it. She hugged me again and I just let her even though I knew she wasn't telling me something. I knew she knew something that explains all the things that happened so far. The notes, the song, my grandma, Damien, the librarian's expression...and now the bloody cat on the floor.