Mysterious Song

-Chapter 4-

I was shocked and confuse. How can a guy disappear all of a sudden without leaving any traces behind? I looked around the library to see if anyone's looking and what a surprise! No one's looking because they are too busy with whatever they're doing on the computer. What would old people do online anyway?

I clicked on the link that has the whole report on the guy and it led me to a...BLOCKED PAGE! This is just great! I don't remember libraries blocking sites in their computers!

What the hell am I doing? I already have the computer and the internet, but instead of going to facebook, I'm looking up a report about a missing guy! Scratch that! I mean hot "missing" guy! Oh well! I guess I'll go to facebook later.

I went back to the previous page and clicked another link. BLOCKED! Again! What is wrong with this computer. I looked around again and saw that everyone's computer is working really well. I got off of my seat and went to the front desk.

"Um...excuse me, but I think my computer's not working." I informed the librarian with big, bulging eyes. She is wearing a blue blouse and khaki pants. She has her eyeglasses around her neck.

"Hmmmm...what's your computer number, sweety?" she asked in a sweet, calm voice. I half expected her voice to come out shaky!


She went to where my computer is located and started to click some buttons. When I looked at her face, she went pale. I think she did, but I really can't see the difference.

"A-are you okay?" I asked worried.

She nodded then continued with what she was previously doing. If she said she's okay then she's okay right? Why am I still worried?

"It seems that this computer is not working properly. You can use another computer if you want. The username and password is the same for all the computers." she told me before walking away.

Okay...I logged off computer fifteen and went to computer seventeen. I logged on and went back to my research. I tried clicking the link again but it says blocked. I tried the second link and it's blocked. I went back to the previous page. I typed "missing guy reports in Washington State." I only got one result with the same link as the last time. I clicked on it again but this time it worked. Finally!

I browsed through the whole result and found nothing interesting, except that he plays the guitar which interest me since I've always wanted to play the instrument. Oh wait! Police are still looking for him! I thought he was found already?

This town is creepy and weird with a pinch of funny!!!