I miss you.


"Your going to have a new friend tomorrow! His name is Henry". A faceless man tells me and my sisters. I was only three, but I remember.

A plaintive meow comes from the box, A kitten! we all squeal. He takes his first unsteady steps into unfamiliar territory. Terrified of the three children intent on playing and patting him,
He runs to the safety of the table, Hides and shelters till mum tells us " Let him be".

Ten years later and I am thirteen, a teenager finally, with all the worries and awkwardness.
I cant talk to anyone for fear of humilation, but you listen, make all the right sounds,
snuggle me and let me know you care.

Two years later and I am Fifteen, I do stupid things and cant tell anyone. You stay with me, keep me warm. Your soft fur that forever smells like leaves and cut grass soaks up my tears.

Three years later and i am now Eighteen.
I moved out of home and hardly see you anymore. I miss the nights you would nudge your way under my blankets and purr like a motor. I miss having you around, I miss your meow whenever i was in the kitchen, I even miss how you molted everywhere. I miss you.

I got a phonecall from Mum asking if i want to come to the vet, just in case i have to say goodbye. As i hang up, tears trickle down my face. It cant be time to say goodbye... Can it?

The vet tells us about your lymph nodes, how big they are, especially for a cat. She shaves off a small patch of fur on the left side of your head to take a sample. She says she will call tomorrow with the results. It could just be an infection she says, optimism pouring out. I know I will not sleep tonight.

Mum tells me you havnt been eating, that you are more or less deaf, your meow is less than a strangled whisper. You cant hear me anymore, You cant listen to me prattle on about my day, about my problems, You cant answer me when I meow at you, Your losing your vast girth, Your cuddlyness.

I dont want to say goodbye yet, I hope you can hear me when I do, Im not ready to say goodbye, I still need you, your gentle way, your smoochyness.

You are my best friend, You have been for the last fifteen years. I will not wipe away my tears though they flow thick and fast. I am not ashamed of being worried for you.

I love you Henry Matarini Psychlaze Margan. I have since the day he brought you home. All i hope is that you love me back and that you will help me say goodbye when the time comes.
Rest well my friend.

Ill never forget you.
♠ ♠ ♠
R.I.P Henry, 13 aug 2010. Please immunise your cats against feline aids, its really not fun to watch them suffer.