Don't Tell Them Where I Live Now.


After Math class, I was at the dilemma of having to go down the stairs.

"You okay?" Sebastian asked, as I stared at the stairs with wide eyes.

"I don't know if I can get down." I whined, so he grabbed my hand and reassuringly helped me down.

"You're too funny when you're high." He chuckled, kissed my cheek and walked off. I couldn't get that stupid smile off my face as I walked to my locker.

"I never thought you'd be a follower." I abruptly heard and saw Kaleb.

"What?" I asked, putting my math book in and exchanged it for my English book, then closed my locker.

"You follow what Sebastian and my sister do." Kaleb elaborated with a roll of his eyes.

"Not even." I replied and started walking off.

"Oh really? Explain this morning then." He growled, casually looking around at all the girls that are watching.

"I'm having a difficult time with life right now, nothing you should worry yourself with and I can't help that this gets my mind off everything." I spat and shoved him away, then walked off. Of course Kaleb is the TA for this class, and thus he has to go in the same room as me.

"You really shouldn't smoke." I heard and turned to see Jocelyn sitting there with a blank expression on her face.

"What makes you think I did?" I groaned, while taking a seat.

"She told me she seen you smoke." Jocelyn answered, with a saddened expression. I rolled my eyes and just stared out the window.

English was so boring, and of course more homework. Once that was over, I made my way to Photography after visiting my locker of course.

"Hey." Kenny greeted as I took a seat next to him.

"Hi." I replied and laid my forehead on the table.

"You okay?" He questioned, and slowly I lifted my head.

"Of course." I grinned.

"Okay." He mumbled and looked straight ahead. "You really shouldn't do what they do." Kenny whispered.

"Excuse me?" I asked, at which Kenny turned to face me.

"Don't try to hide it, Tabitha. Your eyes are red, and everyone knows you hang with Sebastian and Romero." Kenny didn't care that he was talking trash about Romero, whom is sitting right in front of him.

"Dude, let her do what she wants." Romero's lazy, stoner voice cooed.

"She's a good girl." Kenny defended me.

"Just because she tokes, don't mean she ain't a good girl still." Romero hissed.

"Of course it doesn't." Kenny rolled his eyes and turned to me. "Hanging with those people, will give you a bad rep. Going to a mutual party is different, but hanging with them constantly and doing what they do."

"Roxilyn hangs with them." I pointed out and Kenny shrugged.

"Roxilyn is sexy, and has more groups aside from them." He explained.

"So I'm not sexy, nor do I hang with more people?" I replied.

"Just leave it alone." Kenny ordered with a shake of his head.

"Next weekend we do our projects." Jacen called from the front of the row.

"Great." I mumbled and sat back in my chair.

School was boring. Classes consisted of certain friends cheering me on for smoking with Romero, Sebastian and Roxilyn. Other people were scolding me for it, but regardless at lunch I followed them out to the parking lot to smoke once again. Then after school, we all went to Romero's van and smoked.

"Aight, see you guys!" I called over my shoulder, opening the old 80's van door and stumbled out.

"See you tomorrow!" Romero called. It was just us three, since Roxilyn decided she was going with the girls instead.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Sebastian smiled, I returned it and stumbled down the street. Suddenly I seen a red car, squeal next to me and the door open.

"What the fuck?!" I gasped and turned to see Tristan. "Oh, it's you."

"You didn't see me just a street over?" He asked with narrowed eyes.

"Nope." I replied and continued walking.

"Hello, your ride is here!" He was kind of loud but I ignored that.

"Oh yeaaaah." I giggled and got inside. Tristan simply drove with his eyes staring forward and an annoyed look on his face. We pulled up to my mom's house and we both went in. He made himself some lunch, while I grabbed a bag of chips.

"You're not having a meal?" He questioned as I plopped down on the couch.

"No, I just have the munchies." I answered and started laughing, how cliche.

"Munchies?" He repeated then stood in front of me. He glared into my eyes and sighed. "You smoke?"

"Don't worry about it." I groaned and tried waving him out of the way of the TV. Tristan simply rolled his eyes and went back into the kitchen.

"I don't have time for this, I have work." He grumbled, which reminded me. I jumped up and quickly rushed into my room. I grabbed a pair of dark skinny jeans, and a plain white t-shirt. I hopped out of the room on one foot while slipping my shoes back on. "What?"

"I got a job at the liquor store down a few blocks." I announced and rushed in my mom's room. "Mom?"

"She's out." Tristan informed, at which I shrugged.

"Figures." I rolled my eyes, grabbed a jacket and opened the front door.

"If you wait a minute, I can drive you down there." He assured, but I shook my head.

"No, I'm good. I can walk. Thanks though." I politely denied and started on my way to work.
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Is anyone even liking the story? lol... I haven't even seen any comments and it's making me wonder...