Don't Tell Them Where I Live Now.

Beautiful House.

After work, I grabbed my things and walked to the school. I must have waited for what felt like hours till a car came driving around the parking lot. I stood up and recognized Roxilyn.

"You're crazy!" She screamed out with a laugh, pulling over.

"Why?" I got inside and closed the door gently.

"Because, we didn't even plan what time and what not." She answered with a shake of her head, pulling her cell phone out.

"I realized that after school." I giggled.

"Me too! Now I have to call off the search group." She teased.

"Search group?" I repeated with a raised brow.

"Just my brother." She shrugged.

"Are you sure it's cool that I stay the night?" I ignored her brother comment. I wanted to make sure it was okay, I don't want to bother anyone.

"Of course it's okay! I told you! Gosh. My little sister is gone, and so are my parents as usual." She shrugged and started talking on the phone to Kaleb. I sat back in the chair and stared out the window, humming to the song that's playing.

When we pulled up to her neighborhood, I was literally amazed. I never seen such a big house before, especially with all the neighbors about an acre away. There was so much grass, I felt bad for whomever had to mow it. We pulled up the circular drive and got out.

"Beautiful house, your mom keeps up a good garden." I complimented, staring at the beautiful mini garden by the front door.

"My mom? Ha! The only thing she keeps up is her clients." Roxilyn laughed, throwing her head back and everything.

"Oh." I whispered and stared around the front yard, someone in a suit came out and grabbed my stuff. "Oh that's okay, I have it."

"No, Tabitha. That's what he's there for... You should know this, silly." Roxilyn playfully put a hand on my arm and walked inside where the door was opened.

"How many people work here?" I questioned, looking around.

"We have a butler for all us kids, so that's three right there. Then my parents share one. So four, umm a Gardner. A pool boy, whom is delicious. Ugh, a cook. Then a maid who does all the cleaning." She listed and counted on her fingers. "So eight?"

"Dang." I breathed out, completely amazed. I mean, this house makes my old house look like a shack. I followed her inside the foyer and let out a gasp. There was double staircase on each side of the walls, and you have to walk between them to get to the living room, kitchen, and game room.

"We'll be going up stairs." Roxilyn informed, and started up the stairs.

"Cool." I followed and turned the left to her room. It was a nice yellow, with white carpets.

"This is your room for the night." She said with a smile.

"Thanks." I grinned and she nodded.

"There's shampoos and stuff in the bathroom, just look around." She answered and started walking out.

"Where are you going?" I asked, looking over my shoulder at her.

"I'm going to my room and finish a conversation with my brother." She groaned, leaving me alone in this room. I took in a deep breath and sorted through the things I brought. I wonder what she'll be wearing to this party, maybe I should have asked?

"I hope casual is okay." I whispered to myself, taking out the black skinny jeans, white long-ish with wide arm holes wife beater, and some red heals. I folded them and put them in the empty closet.

"Need anything?" An older man entered the room with a grin.

"Oh no thank you." I replied and he nodded.

"I'm not used to such manners." He replied and then shut his mouth. "My apologies for being so open."

"It's all good." I assured and sat down on the bed. He nodded and left me alone, allowing me to take in this beautiful room. I've never seen such a room so big, the bed was bigger than my closet. The wood frame a dark mahogany color, pure white drapes surrounding the bed, and soft yellow comforter sheets that matched the walls. I went in my bag and grabbed my pajamas for the night, until I realized I forgot pajama bottoms.

"What's wrong?" Roxilyn entered the room on cue.

"What do you mean?" I retorted, pulling out the long-ish big black shirt that has a green alien on it with a peace sign.

"Just walked by and you seemed down." She frowned, causing me to laugh.

"I forgot pajama bottoms." I groaned. "I was in a rush."

"Oh nice, my butler usually packs my clothes for me." She shrugged and walked over, glancing at the shirt. "Cute?"

"It's my best friend's shirt, I miss him." I sighed, fingering the bottom of it.

"No need for pajama bottoms then." She winked. "You look good as is."

"Thanks." I nervously giggled.

"No problem. I'm not sure if you know this, but I'm bi." She winked and walked out, leaving me speechless. What do I say to that? Is that why she wanted me to stay here? I gulped long and hard, thinking. Maybe I need to quit thinking so much...
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hahaha kinda awkward right? Unless you're bi that is and it's mutual. :p