Don't Tell Them Where I Live Now.

Blow Ups.

Can anyone say awkward?

I woke up laying next to Kaleb, and groaned as his body was practically laying over mine.

"Kaleb." I growled, trying to wake him.

"Shh. Go back to sleep." He cooed while rubbing the side of his face on my boob. I started to shove him, which caused him to yawn loudly. "What?"

"Go to your bed." I demanded, getting up and walking to the bathroom. I was disgusted by what I felt on my leg, if you don't know... It's the morning, and he was laying on me. Enough said.

"No." He whined and rolled back over. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Come on, Kaleb. Before-" I started but it was too late, the door was lightly pushed open and there stood Roxilyn. "Too late."

"What the hell is going on here?" She hissed, eying Kaleb and I down.

"I was tired." Kaleb answered with a grin.

"You two slept together?!" She screamed, causing me to wince.

"No." I immediately answered. "Well yes, but we didn't sleep sleep together."

"Shut up, Tabitha." She demanded and turned to Kaleb. "What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you always sleep with my friends?"

"I should ask you the same thing!" He shot up from the bed and glared at her.

"Tabitha, go home." She sighed and simply shook her head at her brother.

"No, she shouldn't have to go home for being nice. All I heard was you last night, with some nasty noises. What was going on sis?" Kaleb cocked his head to the side with a mad expression.

"Don't worry about it, bro." She retorted with her teeth gritted. "Fine, don't go home Tabitha. I'm sorry my brother is a man whore and sucked you in."

"We didn't have sex!" I screamed, throwing my hands up and glaring. "I'm not a whore! Regardless if he's a man whore, he's not even my type, I'm not even wanting to be sexually active. I don't even want to have sex, nor do I care to have it with your brother especially in this beautiful house! I wouldn't degrade myself, this place, or anyone in this residence like that! I just wanted to sleep! But no, he had to come in here! So I went to his room, which fuck I know why he came in here! So geeze! I just wanted some damned sleep! Can you blame me?! I woke up with him laying on me! I swear, just feeling his shwang on my leg wasn't a pleasant feeling, so trust me I wouldn't have sex with him!"

"Damn..." I heard someone say from behind Roxilyn, it was Jacen. He stood there all smug and just stared at me. "Looks like Kaleb isn't getting laid tonight."

"Shut up, Jacen." Roxilyn snarled then turned to me. "I'm sorry I thought anything."

"No worries." I sighed and looked at Kaleb. "Now please, get out."

"Fine!" Kaleb stood up, ripping the sheets from him. He was only in boxers, and it wasn't a bad view. He shoved past Roxilyn and Jacen.

"I'm going to shower now." Roxilyn whispered and walked out, Jacen just stared at me.

"Way to ruin a man's ego, I'm sure Kaleb wasn't used to that." Jacen chuckled and started out the door. "By the way, tell Nathan I said hey."

"What?" I immediately retorted but Jacen walked out. Did he know?

Later that day, Roxilyn and I hung out for the most part of the day. We just chilled and talked about who all is coming. Finally it was that night and everyone was getting dressed. I threw on the white wife beater, with a black bra, dark skinny jeans, and red heels. I teased the top of my hair slightly, and did my make up. When I came out to see Roxilyn, she was literally all dressed up.

"What are you wearing?" She stiffed a laugh and looked me over.

"Clothes." I replied, sticking my tongue out.

"All the girl's are going to be dressed, whorely." She warned and I shrugged.

"Let them." I smiled and this time she shrugged.

"Okay." She returned my smile. "I'm glad you're different than the rest of us."

"Why's that?" I asked and she giggled.

"You make me look better." She winked and howled with laughter.

"Oh geeze, thanks." I rolled my eyes and followed her out of the room. That's when I got nervous, what if I was the only chick wearing normal clothes? I'm such a loser, right? I took in a deep breath and tried to shrug off the thoughts. What would tonight be like?
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Dun dun dun!!! hahaha