Don't Tell Them Where I Live Now.


Stupid Tristan for being right. Stupid Skyler for having to move in. And stupid me for calling them all stupid. I started my period the next morning, and that was the only beginning of a promising day. Note: sarcasm.

"Ugh." I groaned as the alarm clock went off, I forgot I was on a bunk bed and rolled over. Almost falling over, causing a kink in my leg and my bruised side to hit the rail.

"What's going on?" Skyler growled from under the bunk, starring up at me. I rolled my eyes and jumped down; not so gracefully.

"Time to wake up for school." I announced, grabbing my towel and went in the bathroom. I turned the water on and waited for it to turn warm. When it didn't, that's when I knew my mom forgot to pay the water bill.

"Hurry up!" Someone knocked on the bathroom door. "You never took long showers like this!" He added, it was Skyler. Most people would be over joyed to have their best friend living with them, but I'm not like most people. I opened the door, fully dressed with my hair up in a towel.

"Have fun." I spat, sluggishly walking to our room. Skyler rolled his eyes and went inside, slamming the door closed. I dried my hair, and applied some eyeliner.

"You two are awesome in the morning!" Tristan entered, with two thumbs up and obviously not a morning person himself.

"What's the matter, Tristy? Not a good morning?" I teased and grabbed my bag.

"Tristy? Oh hell no." He mused with a yawn. His failed attempt to being hyper this morning. "Actually this morning isn't that bad, shame you kept rolling on that stupid squeaky bunk bed."

"I know." I growled, barely remember tossing and turning. But judging by me being overly tired, I would guess I didn't sleep well and since I passed out in a deep sleep; I don't expect to remember any time soon.

"Is Skyler starting school today?" Tristan asked and I shrugged.

"I'm not sure." I answered, as Skyler came in the room.

"I think so." He randomly corrected, causing both Tristan and I to exchange confused looks. "I hear everything, remember?"

"Well, I didn't know this." Tristan reminded and Skyler shrugged.

"I don't expect you too." Skyler was so cranky. I think we all were, adding another person in this small house wasn't a good idea. My mom surprisingly came out of the room with a smile.

"Your mom wired the money, we should have warm water now!" She squealed, so that was why she wanted Skyler to live with us. What ever happened to my mom? It was like over night she changed into this money hungry, not giving a damn, sorry excuse for a mother.

"Glad to know I'm good for something." Skyler rightfully retorted with a roll of his eyes.

"Oh you know you're like a son to me." She replied giving him a one-armed hug. "Now hurry along."

"Did you even get his paperwork done? Kids don't just come and go that quickly." I matter-of-factually stated.

"As a matter of fact, I did get the paperwork done. Once we moved in this place." She smiled, pretty accomplished.

"What?" I furrowed my brows and she nodded.

"Remember, I said I spoke to his mom when we first moved in." She grinned, staring at my expression with satisfaction. "We were just waiting for the day, Skyler would act up one more time."

At that time, Skyler nor I wanted to listen anymore. I grabbed my bag and he reached in one of the many boxes in that small room, grabbing his black and white checkered back pack. Tristan was pretty disappointed himself, even if he didn't care too much about a family problem that wasn't his.

"This is your car?" Skyler groaned, pretty embarrassed of the red little car.

"Yes, it runs great." Tristan enthusiastically defended his "beauty" and lightly humped the front of it.

"It looks like it's going to break down." Skyler complained.

"Do you want to walk?" Tristan hissed, at which Skyler shook his head. "Then shut up and get in."

"Burn." I childishly teased, calling shot gun. Skyler sat in the small excuse of a back seat and groaned the whole ride to school.

"You're smaller than me, Tabitha. You get to sit in the back for now on." Skyler whined as we pulled up to the drop off spot.

"Shut up, already!" Tristan yelled, looking at Skyler in the back seat. "Or you can start walking your happy ass back n forth!"

"Sorry." Skyler grumpily apologized, as I got out and pulled the seat forward. "I was just saying." Skyler had to add.

"I don't give a damn what you're just saying, I don't have to take either of you to school. So be grateful!" Tristan screamed before speeding off. I stood there, holding onto the strap of my bag with my brows raised.

"You sure pissed him off." I commented, starting to walk to school.

"He doesn't understand." Skyler mumbled through gritted teeth. "That car is so small, I am way too tall to sit back there. I was spread eagle, and my knees hurt."

"Skyler, I know shit went down at home. The situation isn't the best here at my place, but please. Try to be that happy, go-lucky, Skye I once knew." I plead.

"Okay." He replied, putting the fake-st smile he could muster on his face.

"That a boy." I pinched his cheek and hurried to the front office.
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I'm trying to make it as realistic as possible, most stories with the best friend moving in they're overwhelmed with joy and it's so peachy-coopy... but not here lol hope you guys like.