Don't Tell Them Where I Live Now.


I wore the pants today, to cover up my legs. I already knew there would be bruises, I seen them in the shower. I got out of Tristan's car, without another word and grabbed my bag. I swung it over my shoulder, slammed the door, and walked off. The wind blew, causing my hair to go in all sorts of directions, and made it near impossible to focus on zipping my sweater up.

"Sebastian!" I called once I seen the familiar blond and black hair. But he didn't turn, was it someone else? I furrowed my brows, and walked over to him. I took one hand out of my sweater, and calmly placed it on his shoulder. "Sebastian?" I repeated, but he shrugged my hand off and continued walking. "Why are you ignoring me?"

"You lied to me." Sebastian whispered. He didn't even look at me.

"What?" I replied, forgetting what happened with Jacen. "Oh." I thought aloud, after remembering. "Look, I wanted to-" I started but he turned around and snapped his head in my direction.

"I don't like liars." He harshly spat, again he didn't look at me. He just looked over my head as if I weren't an equal to him, as if I were a stranger. I allowed a tear to slide down as he just walked away.

"Sebastian." I whispered, walking towards my locker and opened it. Suddenly it was slammed shut and there stood Roxilyn.

"It's all around school." She hissed.

"Not you too." I begged, but I guess she took it as a form of sarcasm for she grabbed my bag and tossed it on the floor.

"You deceived everyone, I let you in my house. I let you sleep in the spare room, I let you drink my drinks and even called you a best friend!" She screamed, causing everyone to turn and see what the commotion was about. "You're dead to me." She spat before walking off.

"You wouldn't understand!" I cried out, and all I got was the middle finger from her. I glanced over my shoulder at everyone staring, and they too just shook their heads. Like they had a right to judge me. I scoffed at them, picked my bag up and stuffed it in my locker before heading to homeroom.


I walked in the door and found my usual seat, waiting for Lory. I'm sure she'll understand, but when she walked in the door and sat next to Roxilyn across the class; that's when I realized.... I'm alone. I sat there with my sleeves pulled in the palm of my hands and folded across my stomach. The door opened and in came Kaleb, and Jacen.

"I can't believe I slept next to that thing." Kaleb harshly whispered to Jacen, whom just laughed and sent me an accomplished look. I tried ignoring everyone's talk, but they were so loud. The teacher frowned and soon enough she stood up and yelled.

"Everyone I don't want to hear any of your crap about miss Stryder, understand? Next murmur I hear out of anyone will have detention!" She screamed, her short hair looked like it was going everywhere. Everyone quickly shut up and just glared at me.

After class I headed to first period. I sat next to Sebastian, whom wouldn't even look at me. I frowned and looked away, staring at the floor. Kaleb took his seat in front of me and Nikolette took her seat too.

"And you were going to choose her, over me?" Nikolette laughed. I just rolled my eyes and continued to stare at the floor.

"Shut up, Niky." Kaleb ordered.

"But baby." Nikolette continued.

"I sat shut the fuck up!" He yelled, causing the class to look at him. But of course, their attention drifted from him, to me.

"Sebastian." I whispered, but he just looked away. I grabbed a paper and pen, writing a simple sorry and passed it to him. He didn't even read it, instead he balled it up and threw it across the classroom into the trash.

Second period: Went the same way. Loretta switched seats with Jocelyn, so Jocelyn sat next to me again.

"I'm not mad at you." Josie abruptly informed, at which I smiled in return.

"Shame all my best friends are." I whispered.

"You were never our best friend, you were a lying stranger! I told you everything, even about Nathan. You deceived me." Lory immediately cried out, eying me down with tears in her eyes.

"I wanted to tell you." I replied but she shook her head.

"Wanting, and doing are not the same thing. You had no reason not to tell me." She spat, and turned back around in her chair.

"I didn't want all this to happen." I explained, at which she put her hand up.

"Don't talk to me." She instructed.

"Lory." I plead.

"It's Loretta to you." She hissed, with her back still facing me. That made me sad, only strangers call her Loretta and not Lory. I looked at the floor once again and just stared.

"It'll blow over some time." Jocelyn assured, touching my shoulder.

"It wont." I mumbled.

"Trust me, people exiled me too." She continued, with a smile. "But they got over it."

"I shouldn't have lied to them." I whispered, putting my head down.

"Why is she still talking?" Lorette spat at Jocelyn, whom sat straight.

"Lory, you should see where she's coming from. If no one knew about Nathan, you wouldn't have told them. So have a little heart." Jocelyn advised, and judging by her tone she was being stern, almost motherly.

"Shut up, Josie." Lorette measly replied, which meant she was defeated. But I didn't care about that, I just wished everyone didn't hate me.

Third period came along, and I just walked in with my head down. I took my usual seat and stared at my desk, avoiding eye contact and anything that would give a reason for someone to bitch at me.

"Liar." People sneered as they entered, I'm not even sure if Kenny was one of them. But I didn't want to risk it, so I just sat there.

"Our projects have to be started soon." I heard Jacen groan. "We need to do it at someones house, but not hers of course." He joked, and all of them laughed.

"I'm not doing the project." I hissed.

"You have too or you'll fail." Kenny reminded.

"Not that she cares, she's already a failure." Jacen chuckled.

"Shut up." Kenny defended and sat back. "We'll do it at my house, and anyone that gives any problems will be kicked out." He sternly added.

"Poor bitch lover." Jacen mumbled.

"I'll beat your ass, Jacen. And I'll have the football players join me. Do you want that?" Kenny threatened.

"No." Jacen caved.

"Then shut the fuck up, and when it comes time to do the project. You're gonna be a poor bitch lover yourself. Capice? I'm not gonna fail this project over petty high school dumb ass drama." Kenny ranted, obviously he has stress on him to pass.

"Fine." Jacen spat, slamming back against his own chair in anger.

"That was sweet of you." Delsey congratulated Kenny.

"I don't care." Kenny retorted, and opened his bag.

Fourth period was the one class of the day that I dreaded... I went in the locker room, squeezed by the girls and opened my locker to change.

"You have nerves coming in here." Roxilyn growled.

"I still have to go to class." I quietly reminded, pulling out my clothes.

"I wouldn't have gone to class today." Whitney spoke as if I cared.

"I'm not you." I shrugged, and pulled my shirt over my head.

"Don't give me attitude, I'm not the one that back stabbed you." Whitney spat.

"I don't even talk to you Whitney, so what the fuck do you have to be mad about?" I growled, finally having enough. I glared at her with my arms tightly at my sides. "Oh I forgot, you're a rich girl that judges any one that's less fortunate than you. The exact reason I didn't want to tell anyone, not even the ones that I deceived and made feel like I was their best friend." I continued, sending Roxilyn and Loretta a look. I turned back to my locker and slipped my pants off.

"Stupid bitch." Was the only thing Whitney could think of replying, because she knew that not only was she told but she was made out to look like she just judges people. Which although is true, but no one likes it to be known.

"I'm glad you told me something no one else has." I calmly but sarcastically said to Whitney after finishing dressing out, I closed my locker and walked out of the locker rooms. I made sure to put on the long sleeved PE sweater they gave us and stood by myself. I was surprised to Skyler here, chatting with his friends. I sat against the wall and leaned forward onto my knees that I have pulled up to my chest.

"Tabitha." I heard and looked up to see Skyler. I didn't even answer and just rested my head against my knees again. "I seen you at lunch by yourself." He continued, taking a seat next to me. "I'm sorry about last night, I don't even remember it. Tristan told me something-" He started but I cut him off.

"Leave me alone." I spat, curled in a ball.

"I'm sorry, okay?" He repeated and I didn't even move. I didn't care to hear his stupid apologies.

"You taught me a lesson for doing drugs, everyone hates me, I don't have friends. You don't have to worry about me being a druggie anymore, you got your way. Now leave me alone!" I screamed standing up and glared down at him.

"You know I-" He started once again.

Will he ever learn? So instead of listening to it, I just walked off. I could feel the bruise on my face throbbing from the cold air, and I found it remarkable that no one cared about the bruise they all just hated me for "lying" to them. At this point, I could give a damn about them now...
♠ ♠ ♠
So now Skyler wants to apologize? hahaha it's too late nukka!

Anyways, hope you guys are liking the story. Thank you for commenting! <3