Don't Tell Them Where I Live Now.


That night, I already told Nathan I wasn't working tonight. Once I got home, I dressed in some jeans and a shirt. There was a honk outside, that caused Skyler to stand up and go to the door.

"Jacen what are you doing here? I thought Kaleb was picking me up?" Skyler quirked a brow, and with a shrug he turned to grab his jacket.

"I'm not here for you." Jacen chuckled, coming inside.

"What's that?" I flatly inquired, glancing at the bag in his hand.

"It's for you to wear tonight." He nudged the bag forward.

"I'm already dressed." I pointed out, and he looked me over.

"If you're going to be seen with me, wear this." Again he nudged the bag at me. I stood there with my arms folded across my chest, and he quirked his brows. "No? Then it's over." He spat.

"Fine." I whined, reaching my hand out. I snatched the bag from him and stomped to the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I took out the dress and groaned, what was I supposed to be some whore? I glared at the black and zebra printed thing. It ended just below my butt cheeks, and if you looked at me from the back; it looked like I was wearing a sports bra that was a halter, with a short skirt. But once you seen the front, you'd see the thin strap that held the skirt to my top making it look like a diamond, with my sides exposed and everything.

"Much better." Jacen complimented, he pulled out some heels from my room and handed them to me.

"Ugh." I groaned, putting them on and letting my hair down. It covered my shoulders and some of my breast area.

"When you roll with me, you must look hot." He said as if it were for future information. He grabbed my hand and lead me out, ignoring Skyler's stares and questions. I gulped, trying to get in Jacen's car without anything showing.

Jacen was surprisingly a gentlemen, he took me to get some actual dinner before going to the party. I was surprised, and luckily I didn't spill anything on this... dare I call it a dress?

"Ready?" He asked, wiping his mouth and pulling out a credit card for the waiter. The waiter kept checking me out and almost didn't notice Jacen's credit card. "He acts like he hasn't seen a hot blond before, poor virgin." Jacen growled as the waiter barely walked away.

"That wasn't nice." I quietly scolded and Jacen shrugged.

"I'm not nice." He laughed, leaning back. That's when I noticed we matched. He wore a pair of black Dickies, a black button up shirt with a white tie. I rolled my eyes at his need to match me. "What?" He asked, catching my expression.

"Observant much?" I questioned and he nodded.

"Yes, now what was that eye roll for?" He growled.

"We match." I rose a brow.

"Thanks miss obvious. What about it?" He retorted.

"A little cliche isn't it?" I inquired and he shrugged.

"I want everyone to know who my bitch is." He mused and soon the waiter returned.

"Have a good day." Our waiter grinned, mainly looking at me. Jacen stood up, took another drink of his drink and then grabbed the waiter by the collar.

"You keep checking my girlfriend out, and I'll beat your ass here and get you fired. Which I'm sure you wont like that very much, judging by your wardrobe and shoes." Jacen harshly embarrassed the guy. I grabbed Jacen's arm and pulled him back.

"If I wasn't dressed like this, then you wouldn't have to worry about that!" I cried out, pulling Jacen away. "Now come on." I plead.

"You're lucky she's a lady." Jacen spat, taking another drink. He reached in his wallet and left a dollar bill. How cheap. I rolled my eyes, quietly apologized to the waiter and left with Jacen. I was completely embarrassed. "Next time, don't say anything." Jacen hissed, getting inside the car.

"That was harsh." I hissed, getting in the passenger seat.

"Doesn't matter, I handle myself. Okay?" He spat.

"Fine, I'm sorry." I apologized, looking out the window.

"That's right." He grinned, like he was accomplished or something. I rolled my eyes and prepared myself for the party.

The song "Imma Be" by Black Eyed Peas blasted through the speakers. Everyone around danced with their plastic cups filled with alcohol, Jacen opened the door for me and closed it behind him. Immediately he wrapped an arm around me, and walked us past the people.

"What?" Someone questioned, eying Jacen and I down.

"What are you doing?" Delsey questioned, staring at me.

"Spread it around, Dee. Tabitha is now cool again." Jacen ordered.

"What?" Delsey repeated with confusion.

"Are you deaf? Go spread it around that she's dating me and I declare her cool again as long as she's with me. Go!" Jacen screamed, causing her to flinch and quickly rush off. Whitney stood there with a quirked brow.

"So she's cool?" Whitney stared at Jacen with boredom.

"Is that not what I just said?" He retorted with a roll of his eyes. "Women...So stupid."

"What's going on?" Kenny came in the room. "Who is this hotty?" Kenny asked from behind, causing me to blush. I turned around and of course it took Kenny back. "Whoa."

"Apparently she and Jacen are dating, and she's cool again... As long as she's with him, of course." Whitney laughed, staring me over. "I personally don't care, as long as Jacen says she's cool. I guess she's cool." Whitney shrugged, not caring about the argument her and I had previously before in the locker rooms.

"Lame." Kenny rolled his eyes, sent me a look then glanced at his clock. "Crap." He gave me a hug, and quickly rushed off. Jacen's face was red with anger, and I just stood there with a brow raised.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, he pulled me in the other room and slammed the door behind us.

"Don't let guys hug you." He immediately demanded.

"What?" I replied.

"Are you fucking deaf too?" He growled.

"I'm not deaf, just trying to figure out what the fuck your problem is!" I screamed.

"I said, don't let guys hug you. Only I can hug you, okay?" He hissed.

"What does it matter?" I questioned, with narrowed eyes and my hands on my hips.

"It matters everything, alright? You're mine." He possessively reminded and opened the door. He grabbed my wrist and lead me out of the room, causing me to get frustrated. I didn't want to sign up for this shit, I just wanted people to like me again.
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Oh lala. What like 3 chapters so far? :) Hope you guys liked the quick updates... <3 much love.