Don't Tell Them Where I Live Now.


We stood there staring at each other in the eyes, in silence. I sure as hell wouldn't be the first person to say something. I stared deeply into his gray eyes, as he leaned forward and zipped my sweater up more.

"It's cold out." He finally said, a small smile on his lips. I barely nodded my head with so many thoughts on my mind. "Your eyes are really beautiful by the way." He commented, and at that time for some reason I kissed him, again. Some how he was turned around and against the car, my hands gripping the collar of his suit.

"Good night." I mumbled after the kiss, and started hurrying away.

"Good night." He called back, and I could just feel his smile. "I'll be here in the morning." He added right before getting in his car and driving off before I could protest. I closed the door behind me, and leaned my back against it. A smile came across my face, causing me to bite my lip and lean my head back.

"Wow." I breathed out, and finally decided to go in my room. I kicked the slippers off, humming a quiet tune to myself and was crawling in bed when Skyler stir.

"You kissed?" He asked, causing me to jump slightly.

"What?" I replied.

"I saw you two kiss." He answered, more clearly this time.

"And?" I sighed, slightly annoyed with him.

"And, what the fuck?" He sat up.

"I'm tired, Skyler." I stated, climbing up finally.

"Tabitha." He called.

"Good night." I denied.

"No, not good night." He spat, coming around to where I could see him.

"What?" I groaned, I was already confused as it was. I don't need his attitude to add to this.

"Quit using him." He demanded.

"I'm not." I lied, because in a sense, I really am. But it wasn't like he wasn't using me too!

"You are, so quit lying." He snarled.

"What does it matter to you? Just go to bed and quit stalking me." I childishly ordered, fluffing my pillow and laid down. Rolling over to where my back is facing him.

"You sicken me." He harshly confessed, causing me to stiffen.

"I don't care." I cried out.

"You know you don't have any feelings for him, you're just doing this because you want people to love you again." He continued.

"Why do you care?!" I screamed, sitting up to face him. "Just butt out."

"No. I wont, you're disgusting." He insisted to harass me.

"Good, if I disgust you so much then quit talking to me and sleep." I scoffed.

"I can't even sleep with you in here because you disgust me so much." He was so mean! What was his problem? Why did he even care?

"Fine." I growled, jumping off the bed and grabbed my pillow.

"Where are you going?" He growled, following me down the hall.

"You cant sleep with me in the room, so I left, now go to sleep in the room you have to yourself." I ordered, pointing down the hall like he's some dog.

"You shouldn't even be at this house." He hissed.

"It's MY house, you're the one just living here, remember? Mister rich boy, ask your mommy to send you money and get an apartment." I growled, glaring now.

"You shouldn't even be going to that school." He ignored my comment and kept going.

"Well too damn bad, you wouldn't have to worry about that if you didn't move over here!" I screamed.

"I came here for you!" He yelled back, getting in my face.

"You came here because your parents don't want you!" I reminded and that caused him to lean back.

"I hate you." He sourly said before going back to our room. I stood there with remorse, had I gone too far?

"I love you." I whispered, and went to the couch. I tossed the pillow and blanket when I heard a door open. "Oh what now?!" I shrieked and softened my expression when I seen Tristan.

"Come on." He cooed, coming over with messed up hair and rubbing his eyes.

"I'm fine." I assured, fluffing the pillow.

"No, come on." He smiled.

"Tristan." I whined, and then he came over and lifted me up.

"Let's snuggle." He teased with a laugh.

"You fucked my mom." I spat as he sat me on his bed.

"Tabitha." He frowned.

"No, Tristan...that's gross." I stopped him from saying anything more, I got up and stared at him.

"We didn't fuck." He chuckled.

"Oh and what did you do?" I retorted, he sighed and left. I rolled my eyes and glanced around his messy room, when he came back with a notebook in his hand.

"This." He revealed a picture of a naked guy that looked like him, drawn. "You probably don't know this, but your mom enjoys art."

"But, she made me believe." I muttered.

"She doesn't want anyone to know." He shrugged, setting it down.

"Why not?" I frowned.

"I'm not sure, I told her do what she loves...instead of drinking and she told me to get naked." He laughed. "I got the wrong idea at first and told her, no thanks. But she pulled out this notebook and a pencil... And well you can see what happened then." He smiled at the notebook then returned his attention to me. "Better now?"

"I guess." I shrugged. He wrapped an arm around me and we both collapsed on his bed. "I'm tired." I yawned.

"Me too." He agreed, and soon we both fell asleep. Not in a sexual position, but a comforting one.

That morning, Jacen was right. He was here a bit too early for my liking, he knocked on the door, causing me to roll over on poor Tristan. I groaned and got up, scratched my ass and walked over to the door. I opened and it, to see him with wide eyes.

"Ugh, your top." He looked one last time before looking away. I narrowed my eyes then realized, my sweater was zipped down from tossing and turning. Great. I zipped it up and frowned.

"My bad. I was too tired to put a shirt on." I shrugged, and rubbed the side of my head. "What time is it?"

"It's like two hours before school starts, felt we could get breakfast too." He grinned.

"That or you just wanted to make sure I didn't leave yet." I teased and he shrugged.

"Same difference." He mused, coming inside.

"Yeah, just come on in." I sarcastically laughed and shut the door. "Let me shower and get dressed."

"It's Monday." He stated the obvious.

"I know." I answered.

"Just making sure you know to wear your uniform." He chuckled.

"I will." I rolled my eyes, I'm a little cranky in the mornings. I went to my room and grabbed my uniform, towel and make up. I glared at Skyler, who's still asleep. However will he wake up in time for school without me? I shrugged and went in the bathroom.
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Geeze... Pretty intense, yes? I thank everyone who is commenting! It makes me sooo happy!!! :) makes me wanna update more !!! <3 thank you sooo much!!! :]