Don't Tell Them Where I Live Now.

Plans for tomorrow.

I couldn't believe Jacen, his grip was cold along with his facial expression. I narrowed my eyes at him and yanked my arm from him.

"I don't care what you ask." I harshly spat, and took his jacket off. Throwing it inside his car. "Whatever you're going to do to make this deal break, I don't give a fuck!" I screamed and slammed his door shut.

"Tabitha!" He yelled, and I heard his door opened. He leaned over the door and stared at me with amusement. "You're too cute." He chuckled.

"Shut up." I demanded and started walking.

"You wont make it far, it's too cold out." He teased.

"I said shut up!" I repeated and held my sweater closer.

"No." He hissed, and I heard his door slam shut. He started walking towards me, and I started walking away faster.

"Quit it." I cried out, as he quickened his pace.

"No." He groaned.

"Jacen!" I screamed when he grabbed me and yanked me towards the car. "STOP!"

"What's wrong with you?!" He yelled at me, and slammed me against the car. "Why wont you just stay with me? You used me!"

"You were using me too!" I defended, looking away from him.

"When, Tabitha, name one time I used you." He retorted, his grip on my arms releasing.

"Umm." I stammered, racking my brains for anything. But he was right, I froze and stared up at him.

"The dinner? That's totally using." He sarcastically rolled his eyes.

"I never mentioned that." I frowned.

"Yeah, but that'd be the only thing I could see you saying that." He scoffed.

"Fine, making me dress in that ridiculous revealing thing." I whined.

"Oh wow, you're right. That's way horrible." He rolled his eyes and released me completely, he stood a few inches away and looked off in the distance.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, staring intensely at his face. Slowly his face turned to me and he shrugged.

"Doesn't matter. You want out of the deal." He shrugged.

"I don't want out." I corrected. "I still owe you."

"I don't need your pity." He laughed. "Now just get in the car and I'll take you home."

"No." I denied, folding my arms across my chest.

"What?" He asked, a frown on his face and his brows furrowed.

"I said no." I repeated myself and pushed away from his car.

"Tabitha." He groaned.

"It doesn't matter, Jacen." I sighed, and started walking on the sidewalk.

"It matters to me, I'm not going to let you walk alone." He informed, then rushed to his car and turned the engine off. I heard a beep from the car being alarmed, and soon he was following me.

"I used to walk home before Tristan moved in." I explained.

"That was then." He replied.

"So, tomorrow. We aren't together? Or what?" I brought up, trying to get everything down. I really wanted to hold up my end of the deal.

"Not sure." He shrugged.

"I still have to hold up my end of the deal." I stated.

"No, you don't." He chuckled.

"But I do." I frowned.

"Why?" He stopped walking and stared at me. I quit walking and turned to him.

"Because, it's not fair." I answered.

"Trust me, after tomorrow. You wont be thinking about that." He grinned and turned on his heel. "Now last chance, either you let me drive you or you walk."

"Fine." I caved, but mainly because I want to know what he meant about what's going on tomorrow. I got in his car and buckled my seat belt. "What do you mean about tomorrow?"

"You think I'd build up your reputation for nothing?" He evilly grinned and sped off. I clutched the handle of the door and furrowed my brows.

"Excuse me?" I growled.

"Look, Tabitha. I was really falling for you, I thought we could really make this work. But you're just a bitch, you only think about yourself. If after tomorrow, you're sincere about how you feel about it not being fair what you did to me. We can make it work." He chuckled.

"Jacen." I hissed. "What are you planning tomorrow?"

"Patience." He cooed, and pulled up to my house finally. He was speeding really fast and I'm surprised no cops pulled him over. He turned to me with a smile, then reached behind my head and planted a kiss. "Have a good day." He whispered, leaning his forehead against mine. I jerked away and glared at him, getting out and slammed his door shut again.

I couldn't get my mind off of what Jacen was talking about. I changed into my work clothes and went to the liquor store. The day dragged on till Nathan showed up.

"I hear Lory is talking to you again?" Nathan abruptly asked, just as he walked in.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"How'd you manage that?" He suggested.

"I'm not sure." I frowned. "I guess, she's just a true friend?"

"Yeah, Lory is great. Too forgiving, really." He shrugged. I didn't bother to get offended by his statement, instead I straightened up the counters. "You and Jacen huh?"

"What do you mean?" I quirked a brow.

"Lory said you're with Jacen, I didn't expect that." Nathan scoffed.

"Neither did I." I sighed.

"Is it for real or just a spoof?" He chuckled.

"Not sure." I looked away.

"What?" He got serious. "How are you not sure?"

"Nathan." I frowned. "Don't ask questions."

"Fine." He rolled his eyes. "I just think you wanted the popularity back. But what Jacen wants, hmm. I'm not sure. Sex maybe? Though you don't come off as that type of girl."

"I'm not that kinda girl." I assured.

"Then what does Jacen want?" He smoothly got himself back into talking about this topic.

"I'm not sure." I furrowed my brows. "I went to dinner with him and his family."

"No sex?" He questioned.

"No. No sex." I growled. "How did we even get on this topic again?"

"I'm just good like that." He bragged. "Anyways, Jacen's a cold hearted guy Tabitha. You better give him something before he destroys you."

"Destroys me?" I snorted.

"It's not a joke." Nathan frowned, looking away. "Jacen can be so heartless, it's not even funny."

"Oh." I mumbled. "Tomorrow he's doing something."

"Doing what?" He inquired.

"He didn't say, he just asked if I was sure this is what I wanted." I furrowed my brows.

"Is what what you wanted?" He rose his brows.

"Us ending this." I explained.

"Ending what?" He lightly chuckled at his own confusion.

"Ending us." I answered.

"Oh shit." He mumbled. "That's not good. I wouldn't end it that way, I say get to school early tomorrow before shit goes down."

"What goes down?" I panicked.

"No one ever knows with him. I just know it wont be good." He warned, and I looked away with wide eyes. The fear is evident on my expression and posture... The rest of the day, I looked dead and confused as one of the customers observed.
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Oh shiiiiiiz lol