Don't Tell Them Where I Live Now.


The day was eventful, it slowly dragged on and having to be Jacen's girlfriend surprisingly annoyed me. Lunch was spent sitting on his lap and feeding him, stupid right? But it worked, people gawked with envy or pure bliss. We were like the Brad and Angelina of the school, lame reference. I know.

"So what are you doing, now that it's after school?" Lory questioned, walking with me to my locker. Sebastian was on my other side and was scoffing the whole time.

"Probably her boyfriend." He harshly suggested, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not a slut." I spat, and punched him in the arm.

"Oww, sorry." He apologized while rubbing the spot I hit. "It's just, hard to believe."

"That I'm not a slut?" I retorted, punching him again, in the same spot.

"Damn it. No, that you're with Jacen!" He gasped, moving away from me.

"Oh." I turned a red from the embarrassment and Lory just laughed.

"Vicious are we?" She teased and leaned against the nearby lockers as I grabbed my stuff.

"Yeah." I frowned, filling my bag up. "Homework up the ass."

"Why don't you come on over? I can help." She proposed and I frowned.

"I have work too." I reminded and she lightly laughed.

"Oh yeah, totally forgot." She frowned. "I'm not used to my friends working."

"Me neither." I laughed and slipped my bag over my shoulder.

"Want a ride to work?" Jacen snaked his hand in mine and managed to move Lory away.

"Tristan's got it, but thanks." I politely declined, kissed his cheek and allowed my hand to slither away from his.

"But Tabitha." He whispered, catching up to me.

"Jacen." I groaned, Sebastian and Loretta watching.

"Please?" He smiled.

"I can't, I have to go home and get dressed." I sighed.

"I can take you home too." He proposed, and started leading me to his car.

"No." I stopped on my heels and smiled at him. "I appreciate it."

"Fine." He scoffed and stomped away. I rolled my eyes at his childish acts and returned to my friends.

"Stalker-ish?" Sebastian suggested, and Lory nodded.

"Very." She agreed and I rolled my eyes.

"He just likes me." I explained and they rolled their eyes.

"I'm sure that's more than like." Lory informed, staring at Jacen as he got in his car and slammed the car door shut. "I think he's developing some sort of infatuation with you."

"Oh shut up." I hissed and walked off.

"No, she's serious." Sebastian caught up to me and I heard Lory mutter a see you later. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"It's as if you're jealous." I sighed and heard him snort.

"Jealous? Me?" He laughed. "Why would I be jealous?"

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"I just hate the guy and know he's no good." He explained.

"Sorry." I apologized and embraced him in a hug before getting in Tristan's car. "See you later."

"Fo'sho." he answered and headed to Romero's van.

Again Tristan didn't speak to me, and I had to just stay silent on the ride home. Once I was home, I changed into my normal clothes and headed to work.

"So you and Jacen again, huh?" Nathan asked as I walked inside.

"What are you doing early?" I replied, putting my stuff down.

"See you kids." Stanley called and left. I smiled at him then turned to Nate.

"School got out early today, due to a lock down." He laughed and started wiping down the counter. "And you never answered my question."

"Yes, Jacen and I again." I finally answered and he chuckled.

"That guy is crazy, Tabitha." He warned and I nodded.

"I've been told." I assured and he shrugged.

"To each their own." He mumbled and smiled at me. "Lory thinks I'm going to dump her." He laughed.

"You're happy about that?" I quirked a brow and he nodded.

"Of course, I heard she was with Romero alone." He shrugged. "This will teach her a lesson."

"Being in a relationship isn't about teaching someone a lesson, it's about talking it out with them." I advised and he shrugged.

"I personally don't care." He frowned. "I don't like Romero that much when he's alone with a girl, especially when they're doing pills."

"Why?" I leaned against the counter and rested the side of my head on my hand.

"Because, they get horny and do things they wont even remember." He explained and I shrugged.

"I don't think it gets that far." I assured and he rolled his eyes.

"You haven't been sober around them when they're on those freaky pills that Romero splices." He stated, which sounded harsh but I was working on not getting pissed off so easily.

"True." I agreed, which it was true. I've done the pills with them and never seen them on it without me consuming the same thing. Nathan nodded and walked around to stock the shelves.

"Don't tell her I said anything about teaching her a lesson." Nathan instructed.

"If she asks, I can't lie." I truthfully replied.

"Ugh." He groaned. "Has she asked?"

"Yeah." I shrugged.

"Then she wont ask again, she doesn't like to bug. So you're in the clear." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"I feel bad for her." I sighed.

"I wouldn't. She's cheated on me before with Romero." He blurted out, then his expression went flat and he looked away. "I mean."

"I didn't know." I whispered and heard him lightly chuckle.

"It's not that big of a deal. I don't talk about it. Sorry I even mentioned it." He was so awkward as he spoke and looked around at every possible thing but me.

"I'm always here, if you... if you want to talk, that is?" I suggested and he laughed.

"Guys don't want to talk." He strongly declined, puffing out his chest.

"I guess." I rolled my eyes and went behind the counter as someone came in.
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Awww, Lory cheated on Nathan before. That's sad.. lol