Don't Tell Them Where I Live Now.


I didn't sleep at all that night. I slowly rolled over as the sun came up, I glanced at my cell phone that doesn't work but I set the alarm on. I glanced out the window and seen dark clouds, was it because it's so early? I grabbed my uniform pants, deciding to just stick with those today. I grabbed the rest of my uniform along with my undergarments and a towel, then went into the bathroom.

A nice warm shower did me good, woke me up and was probably the only thing that kept me awake. I quickly changed into my uniform, put on very little eyeliner and grabbed my bag. I went to my mom's room and sighed to find her still asleep.

"Mom, are you taking me to school?" I questioned, standing in the door way and stared in.

"No." She grumbled, causing me to sigh.

"Guess I'm not going?" I retorted, at which she sat up and stared at me.

"Walk." She flatly said before falling back, I glanced at the floor and seen a half empty bottle of Tequila. I closed my eyes tightly and simply walked out. I slammed the door behind me and kept walking. The little jacket they give you as a uniform sucks!

"Need a ride beautiful?" Some cholo in his low riding car rolled up next to me.

"No thank you." I politely declined and continued my way.

"Aye, mami. These streets aren't safe to roam." He continued and continued, to the point I turned to him and glared.

"I don't want a fucking ride! I don't want anything but my fucking family! But that isn't going to happen! So go find some other chick that you think is a whore and go pick her up!" I screamed so loudly some neighbors came out to see what was going on. The guy rose his brows and sped off, muttering cuss words in Spanish.

It took about an hour to just walk to school. I was so tired, and in a pissed off mood. I grabbed my small brush from my backpack, quickly went into the bathroom and brushed my hair. I was only thirty minutes late to homeroom, and quickly hopped inside.

"What took you so long?" Roxilyn asked as I walked inside.

"Long story." I grumbled, apologized to the teacher and took my seat.

"She didn't take roll yet, you're lucky we have the cool teacher." Roxilyn informed and I smiled with a nod of my head. I opened my backpack to find my homework, and thanked myself for being smart enough to put it in my bag last night.

"You look like shit." Jacen rudely greeted as he came in homeroom.

"Thanks." I sarcastically replied and rested my head on the desk.

"Is something going on?" Roxilyn whispered for only me to hear.

"Don't worry, k?" I answered and she shrugged.

"Hey." I heard and looked up to see Kaleb.

"What?" I growled, remembering how he treated me like crap last night.

"I have to show you, your locker. Come on." He rudely demanded and already started out the door. I quickly grabbed my stuff and followed. "Here it is."

"Thanks." I mumbled, as he handed me a paper with my combination. I nodded and opened it, surprisingly it was clean. I opened my bag, grabbed my homework for Math and a lead pencil, placed my bag in the locker and shut it.

"You can decorate it whenever you want." He shrugged and started walking away. The bell rang and I noticed he went just across the hall to his locker. Jacen caught up to Kaleb, and I noticed their lockers are right next to each other.

"Eww, your locker is next to mine?" I heard and turned to see Nikolette. She rolled her eyes and opened her locker. "Don't touch my shit."

"I wouldn't even if they weren't locked." I spat, shut my locker, and walked off. I went to my First period, of course having to try and memorize the classroom number. So I have my schedule out still. Suddenly it was snatched from me, and naturally I balled my first up.

"Woah! Calm down killer!" Sebastian howled, surrendering the schedule.

"Sorry." I apologized and slowly took my schedule.

"How did you like your first day?" He made conversation as we walked in first period. Surprisingly Kaleb was already sitting down. So, I had to walk by him to get to my seat that's directly behind him.

"It's alright." I shrugged, when I noticed everyone putting their homework in a box in the front of the class. I quickly got mine out of my folder and took it up there. I went back to my seat and sat down.

"Nice, you do realize you're wearing the boys uniform?" Sebastian asked, eyeing my pants down.

"I hate skirts." I defended and he chuckled.

"Yeah, I wonder what the principal will think." He shrugged and leaned his head back.

"Shit. I didn't think of that." I winced and leaned my head forward.

"You going to sleep?" Sebastian whispered in my ear, causing me to giggle.

"Well, I was trying before the lecture starts and someone had to interrupt." I sarcastically answered while sitting up and putting my face directly in his.

"My bad." He put his hands up in defense. "You're not a force to reckon with."

"Damn straight." I giggled with a shake of my head and leaned against him. I felt so close to Sebastian, maybe it's because he reminded me of Skyler?

"Sure, you can just use me as a bed." Sebastian laughed which caused Kaleb to turn around, until he realized he naturally turned around.

"What?" I asked Kaleb whom just turned around.

"Nothing." Kaleb murmured. I rolled my eyes and snuggled into Sebastian's side.

"You remind me of my best friend back home." I randomly told Sebastian.

"Eww, friend zone." He whined causing me to laugh.

"Shush." I hushed him so that I can slowly drift to sleep.

It wasn't until the bell rang that I realized I literally passed out.

"Sebastian!" I cried out, collecting my things.

"Whaaaat?!" He mimicked my cry.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I frowned, and followed him out of the class.

"Today was just notes, although I never take notes. I took them for you, so be happy." He groaned, with a disgusted face at taking notes.

"You should probably take school more seriously." I advised and kissed his cheek after taking his notes. "But thank you for them."

"No... I thank you." He winked and walked off with Romero. I rolled my eyes and went to second period, which once I walked inside Jocelyn just turned to me with a smile. The teacher never said anything to me as I made my way and sat down.

"Sorry about-" I started but Josie cut me off.

"Don't worry about it... I'm used to it." She assured and stared straight with a smile.

"It's just..." I continued but she shook her head.

"Not many people understand me, they get freaked out, and it's something I should really quit doing. Trust me, Tabitha. I understand." She repeated and I nodded.

"Okay." I whispered and lightly glanced at her. "Thanks."

"No problem." She was so bubbly, and nice. The only bad thing about her, is her weird ability to talk to the dead? I'm not sure. Maybe someone had told her, or she looks up people's history? I shrugged away the thoughts and did my best to pay attention.
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:) Oh man, 45 readers already? Yay!!! ^___^ Thank you... <3