Status: The last chapter is coming up! I told you this was going to be a short story

The Red Bullet

The Tower of Cards

As Scott Fisher and his wife, Annie, returned home from their dinner they noticed a blue Toyota parker in front of the house. Scott looked at the car from the driver’s seat with a curious expression, but Annie began to wonder about something. Her dark secret that was threatened to be revealed about a week ago by a man named Jim. The same man who owns a blue Toyota just like the one parked in front of her home. They both got out of their car and Annie began to walk to the house, but she stopped. Scott was looking at the Toyota thinking of reasons of why it was there.

“Do you suppose Julia brought over a boy?” he asked Annie.

“Maybe but I highly doubt it,” is what Annie wanted to say until her fears were realized when she heard gunshots from within her home. Annie ran to the front door and through it open only taking a few steps in she fell over something. She stared in horror at the corpse lying before her.

“Ju-Juli-Julia” Annie’s voice was cracking.

“Oh My God” Scott said as he helped up Annie, “How could this have happened?”

“It’s very simple, really.” Jim voice broke through to Annie when the gun fired again shooting Scott three times in the chest.

“Scott!” Annie cried as she began to try and help him up, but Jim pointed his gun at her.

“Leave him alone,” Jim said, “I shot him in some nasty areas moving him will only quicken his death, and I want to chat a little. Besides even if you wanted to help him he would still die,” Jim shrugged, “It’s only a matter of time.” Jim said as he sat down on the stairs and kept the gun pointed at Annie,. “Close the door, Annie.” Annie slowly moved toward the door and shut it, “and the locks” she nodded and locked the door as well. “Good. Funny isn’t? How life is so fragile. Just like a tower of cars, right? I mean one wrong move and then it all just falls apart.” Jim said and then laughed a little.

“Jim, “Annie said, “Why are you doing this?”

“Why?” Jim asked acting surprised and then chuckled a bit, “Because Annie, because of you my tower of cards came crashing down while yours is neat in its little place. And you know what? Its pissing me off that you still have everything while I’ve lost it. So here I am to level the plain field.” Jim then got up off the stairs to stand in front of Annie, “You know what went first? My wife, and with a great memory of me to.” Jim knelt down to face Scott was started to cough up blood, “Seems I got you in the lungs didn’t I? Oh well I’ll try and make this quick.” He pointed the gun at Annie, “You know when you think you know a person they come around and stab you in the back. Take your wife for example great wife, loving mother, dedicated business woman, but nobody’s perfect right?” Jim then looked at Annie, “No, Annie here flirts, lies, and cheats when her precious husband’s back is turned.”

“Don’t listen to him, Scott,” Annie pleaded.

“You know Scott,” Jim looked back at Scott, “When your wife tried to end our relationship she told me, now, what was it? Oh yes that I ‘don’t have the balls to do anything.’ But you know what? I had enough to do her, and I definitely had enough that when I came in her mouth she’d started to gag. Still she’d always say it was good, and that she wanted more.” Scott started to cough up more blood and Jim got closer to him, “I must hand it to you Scott you sure now how to pick them. She was probably the best fuck I’ve had in years on many, many occasions.” Then Jim got up and stepped back pointed his gun at Scott and shot him between the eyes. Annie screamed and collapsed next to her dead husband whose eyes remained on her. Scott’s eyes looked sad, shocked, and disappointed, but most of all they looked heart broken. As looked at her dead husband something in her snapped and her whole body began to shake. She could feel her world come crashing down all around her as Jim was laughing. His laugh was hallow and humorless and it frightened her to the bone.

Jim stopped laughing and reloaded his gun anticipating his next move. He looked over at Annie as she was still in shock and slapped her across the face. “Get over it, Annie.”

“You killed him,” she said angrily.

“Don’t worry,” Jim said as he paused to listen for anything.

“What do you mean?” Annie asked as she slowly got up to her feet.

“I told you I lost everything, right?” Annie nodded and with a click of Jim’s gun he looked at her, “So now where are the children?”

Jennifer was hiding in the kitchen closet holding her father’s .9 MM pistol close. She heard more shooting and her mother’s scream earlier and now was waiting for the man to come to her. The kitchen closet door had slits in it so Jennifer could see if anyone walked in. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach as she waited for her target to arrive. As Jennifer waited an eerie quietness came over her and she felt a strange sense of security. She was about the exit the closet when she heard footsteps come into the kitchen, but it was two set of footsteps not just one.

This is it, Jennifer thought to herself, this is it.