The Glamorous Life of a Maneater

Welcome Joseph Michael Manganiello Jr.

4 months have passed since we found out the sex of our baby and we were still getting prepared for the arrival of our son next month. True Blood wrapped about a month ago and I was happy to have my husband home for a while. He was in filming a movie 'Magic Mike' so he was back and forth between filming while trying to take care of me because I was so far along in my pregnancy he didn't want to leave me alone for too long. So far he was being an amazing soon-to-be father. I was extremely happy with how my life was going.

I was sitting in the rocking chair watching Joe struggling with fixing up the crib.

"You know you could pitch in some help you know." Joe said.

"I am 8 months pregnant and I feel like a fucking whale. I barely feel like getting up half of the time." I said.

"God you aren't a fucking whale." He said. I got up slowly.

"I want some ice cream." I said.

"Come on baby." He said.

"Want some ice cream?" I smiled. Joe got up faster and grabbed me around the waist gently giving me a kiss on the cheek. I giggled as he continued to kiss me.

"Why didn't we just hire a interior decorator?" He asked.

"Because we are going to be hands on parents." I said. I smiled as he touched my stomach.

"I love you baby but can you please help me with this crib?" He pleaded.

"Okay." I finally said as he smiled.

"Yay!" He exclaimed and we walked over to the crib.

"Help me down." I said as I lifted the bottom of my maxi dress and he helped me down.

We started working on the crib.

"So have you thought of any names?" He asked.

"No, you?" I asked.

"I suck at naming things especially a kid." He said.

"How about we name him after you? Joesph Michael Manganiello Jr? I asked.

"Sounds perfect." he said as he leaned towards me and gave me a hug.


Later on that night,

I was walking around the house trying to settle the small pain in my stomach. Joe was out for his night run. I continued to rub my stomach getting worried by the second. The front door opened and I turned around to see Joe.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked as he closed the door.

"My stomach hurts." I said.

"Let's go to the hospital now." he said.

"Okay." I nodded.

He rushed me out of the house and into the car and rushed us over to the emergency room.

I was laying in the hospital bed while hooked up to tons of machines. Apparently little Joseph couldn't wait the two weeks to my due date and we were expecting his arrival in a matter of hours. Joe was sitting next to me as the t.v played. He didn't even go home to pick up the hospital bag I packed. Instead he sent Layla. I was currently asleep.

"Mr. Manganiello." I heard the nurse whispering.

"Yes?" He whispered back.

"Her Mom and Dad are here should I send them in?" She whispered.

"Can you give her 10 more minutes of sleep?" He asked.

"I'm awake and please send them in. I think the contractions will be starting soon." I said.

"Okay." The nurse nodded as I opened my eyes and sat up slowly.

"You feeling okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, this shit hurts by the way." I said.

"I know."


An hour after I saw my parents the doctor came to check up on me. She was currently looking to see if the baby was ready.

"Good news Mr. and Mrs. Manganiello. Your son is ready to be born. She said.

"What? Now?" I asked.

"Yes, he is literally about to come out." She said as she stood up.

Joe looked shocked as he looked down at me.

40 minutes later,

I was giving my final big push and it hurt like hell because I didn't have time for an anesthesia. I was holding onto Joe's hand.

"That's good." I felt the pressure leave my lower body and I laid back taking a deep breath.

"Oh God." I said. Joe looked down for a second.

"You did good baby." he said kissing my cheek.

"Why isn't he crying?" I asked getting worried. Then I heard him screaming at the top of his lungs and I couldn't help but to feel happy.

After our son was cleaned up and weighed as well as measured, I was finally able to hold him. The nurse brought him over with a smile on her face.

"And here you go mommy and daddy." She said as she placed him in my arms and I finally got the chance to see how beautiful and perfect he was. Joe smiled brightly.

"He's beautiful isn't he?" I asked Joe.

"Yeah, and he has your grandmother's eyes." He said. My grandma had green eyes and I was surprised he actually inherited them but then again, mine were hazel.

"Yeah." I said as Joe leaned down and kissed our son's forehead.

This was the beginning of our family