Status: When We Can Peeps!

Bound In Spirit

First off!
This story is written by
Darkly Obsessed
Moon Walker.
This means if you like this story, go check out
Darkly Obsessed's Stories
Moon Walker's stories.
This also means that since we wrote this, we own this. The plot, characters, summary, chapters, and everything else (except the layout? I guess) (MW: No, Even the layout is ours... I made it, No one else!) is ours. If either one of us sees even a sliver of our stuff as a story of yours, be warned that we will both come after you with our own personal chainsaws and cut your eyes out of your head (and your toes off).
You have been warned.

Sometimes, I ask myself what’s the point of life? When it’s finally over, will we win something for enduring? Will we go to heaven for the good choices we make, or go to hell for the bad ones? When we die, how will it feel? Will it be a never-ending slumber, or will we know – in the very back of our brains – that we are dead; will we subconsciously perceive that message? When in fact we do die, where will our spirits go? Will they just float out of our body and soar to a god with open arms, or will they forever haunt this earth – floating along like an invisible mist – never to leave. If our spirits do happen to make it to heaven, what will we see? How will we bee? Sometimes I wonder if heaven will be the place where fantasy is reality; if it is the place where people can fly, or if it’s just a normal place – earth above – where we go when we die.
For all the wondering I did, I never thought that I’d ever find out the answers

Amelia used to be normal. Until she died. Ever since, she's been bound to the Earth, with no way of fading, no way of communticating, and absolutely no way of moving on. Until she meets Ash. He's the guy every girl wants. But he doesn't bask in it. He's mellow, and really cool. And he can see her. So they become friends. I mean, after nearly four years of wandering alone, without talking to anyone, you would become friends with anyone. Then, Ash is kidnapped. Amelia has to find some way of saving him from them. If she doesn't, who knows what'll happen. And where does love fit into the mixture?