Status: Updating frequently :)

Beneath the Surface

Chapter Two

February 2nd, 2012
Carmen and Jenny’s Apartment, Sewickley, PA
8:00 A.M.

Carmen woke up to the sound of her alarm clock buzzing loudly. She slowly sat up and shut it off. It was 8:00 and her class was at 9:30. She slipped from underneath the covers and shivered in the cold morning air. She pulled on a bathrobe and went into the room next to hers where Jenny was still asleep. She gently shoke her friend awake and said

“Jenny it’s time to get up.” She heard Jenny groan in annoyance and say

“It’s morning already?” Carmen laughed and said

“Ya time to wake up,” when Jenny finally got up Carmen went back to her room to get ready for the day. It didn’t take her long to put on make up and get dressed. When they were ready to go they got into the car and headed towards the city. Jenny still looked half asleep, leaning back in the passenger seat.

“Are you working today?” asked Jenny.

“Ya from 12:30 to 7:30,”

“I was thinking about going in and getting something done,” said Jenny. “Something on my back or leg maybe.” They pulled into the college parking lot and got out. They started walking to the entrance when they heard someone call out.

“Hey Jenny wait up!” The girls turned around to see a boy running up to them. It was Luke, who was in the same class as them. An instant grin spread across Jenny’s face.

“Hey Luke,” Carmen laughed at Jenny’s sudden interest. She’d always have guys coming up to her and she didn’t push them away.

“I’ll see you inside,” said Carmen, leaving Jenny with Luke to talk. Carmen had known Jenny since high school and she had always had a group of guys around her. She never had a solid boyfriend. Next to Jenny, Carmen felt like she was overlooked all the time. She’d gone on dates and had a few boyfriends, but never anything serious. She never liked to think badly of her friend but since they’d met in high school Jenny seemed to command everyone’s attention. Jenny was a Megan Fox look alike while Carmen found herself too plain and common with her average brown hair and green eyes. It seemed like everything had always been a secret competition. Grades, sports, boys, anything they could find to challenge each other over. Carmen usually never came out on top ever.

When they both wanted to take criminal justice they decided to go to the University of Pittsburgh together.

When Carmen walked into the classroom she took her usual spot at the front of the room. She saw her teacher at the front of the room talking to a woman she didn’t recognize. Jenny and Luke walked in a minute later just as class was starting. Jenny slid into the seat next to Carmen smiling.

“I’d like to introduce you all to someone,” said her professor. “This is my good friend Trina, she’s visiting from Nova Scotia and she’s come to watch me teach today.” Carmen smiled back up at the woman. Trina sat at a table at the front of the room when the class started. It was an hour long and Carmen did her best to focus on what her professor was saying. When the class finally ended Carmen stood up with Jenny. Her teacher came up and said

“Carmen I wanted to ask you something.” Wondering what she wanted, Carmen told Jenny to go on ahead to the parking lot to wait. Her professor smiled to Trina who stood up. “Trina this is one of my best students, Carmen Agnoli.” Carmen shoke hands with Trina and said

“It’s nice to meet you,”

“Carmen I was wondering if you could do me a favor, Trina’s niece is here wit her from Nova Scotia to visit the college because she’s interested in coming. I was wondering if you could show her around campus.”

“I would be happy too,” said Carmen. “The only problem would be my work schedule.”

“Are you free tomorrow?” asked Trina.

“Yes, I only have work at 2:00.”

“Thanks so much,” said Trina. “I’ll tell her, her name’s Mindy.”

“Could we meet here?” asked Carmen.

“Yes that would be good,” said Trina. “Just wait out front and look for a red head.” Carmen smiled goodbye to Trina and her professor and then headed outside. She saw Jenny waiting by the car.

“What was that all about?” asked Jenny.

“Her friend’s niece is here to see the University and she wants me to show her around tomorrow morning.” said Carmen.

“Are you gonna do it?”

“Ya, I don’t have anything else going on.” The girls got into the car. “What are your plans for tonight?” asked Carmen.

“I think I’m gonna go out and get a drink with Luke.” said Jenny. Surprised Carmen said

“You’re going to hang onto him?” Jenny laughed and said

“No, we’re just going out for drinks,”

“Is he picking you up?”

“Ya, you can have the car to drive to work.” The girls used to have their own cars but Jenny’s broke last year, leaving them with Carmen’s. Unable to afford a new car, they were stuck with one. Carmen dropped off Jenny at the apartment and headed back towards the city to go to the tattoo shop.

When she walked in Rodney was tattooing an eagle onto a man’s arm. She put her purse in the back room and went out front.

“How was your class?” asked Rodney, not looking up.

“It was good,” she said. “Nothing exciting.” She went back out into the front room and behind the counter. It seemed like a slow day, and Carmen would probably be standing there bored for hours.

Sidney walked into the Lemieux’s home feeling tired from the intense workout he’d just did at the gym. His mother was standing there waiting for him.

“how was your day?” asked Trina, smiling at her son.

“It was good,” said Sidney, slipping his coat off. “Is Mindy here?” Before his mother could answer he felt someone jump on his back laughing. He yelled in surprise and dropped his things to the floor. He easily pulled the girl off his back. Mindy had a huge grin on her face.

“Sid I missed you in Nova Scotia.”

“I missed you too Mindy,” he said. Mindy was his only cousin. Her mother was his mother’s sister. The only three kids in their immediate family was him, his sister Taylor, and Mindy. Living close by, their mother’s would take them to the park together everyday as kids.

“I can’t wait to come to college here.” Mindy had taken a year off after graduating high school and this year she would be starting college.

“Tomorrow morning you’re meeting a girl who offered to show you around campus.” They moved into the kitchen where Trina had set up a lunch for him and Mindy. His father and sister would be coming down from Nova Scotia tomorrow. Sidney’s family was staying in the Lemieux’s house. Sidney had been living there since he was drafted into the NHL. Mario had offered and Sidney couldn’t turn him down. The house was huge. Sidney had his own small apartment area of the house where he stayed. He wasn’t even sure if he could be certain of how many bedrooms there were in the entire place. If he hadn’t of been living there for so long he could easily get lost. He’d considered buying his own house but he had no reason to. He was welcome at the Lemieux’s house and without a steady girlfriend, he would be all alone.
Thanks for reading :) Please comment.