Status: Updating frequently :)

Beneath the Surface

Chapter Four

February 8th, 2012
Carmen and Jenny’s Apartment, Sewickley, PA
4:00 P.M.

Carmen’s week went by fast. She went to her classes, work, and then home in her normal routine. On the night of the party she stood in her room looking through her closet for something to wear. Jenny was sitting on her bed watching her.

“So who’s this party for again?” asked Jenny.

“The girl I gave a tour to is having a family party and she invited me.”

“So you’re leaving me here?” said Jenny. Carmen laughed and said

“For a few hours yes,” Jenny didn’t say anything else as Carmen continued to look through the closet. Carmen found a nice red dress and a pair of clack heels to wear. When she put them on the dress came down to her knees and the heels put her up three inches.

“Looks good,” said Jenny. She always said that when she thought Carmen looked good in something. When she thought she didn’t she would point out every flaw that the outfit had.

“Thanks,” said Carmen. She got her purse and said “I’ll be back around 8:00.” She left Jenny sitting on her bed looking sorry for herself.

Carmen followed the directions Mindy had given her. She was unsure if she was in the right place when she drove into a rich neighborhood. She looked up at the huge brick houses. She almost missed the driveway of the house Mindy had told her to go to. She pulled into the driveway and was amazed at the size and magnificence of the house in front of her. Only the front of the house was visible, she wasn’t sure exactly how big the house really was. There were several other cars in the parking lot and Carmen found a spot to park by the front. She quickly hurried up to the front door, not wanting to be out in the cold any longer. She rang the doorbell and waited a few seconds before the door opened. Mindy greeted her.

“Hey Carmen welcome!” she said happily. Carmen stepped inside the house, instantly warming up.

“Thanks for inviting me,” she said. Carmen looked around at the front room she was standing in. The floors were made of white spotless tile; while the walls were covered in beautiful white and gray wallpaper. A large diamond chandelier hung above them, twinkling in the light shining from it. A set of dark wooden stairs led up the second floor.

“You have a really amazing house,” said Carmen in amazement.

“Thanks, but it’s not mine,” said Mindy. “It belongs to the guy my cousin stays with.” Trina walked in and saw her.

“Carmen how are you?” she asked.

“Good, how are you?”

“Doing well,” she said. “I’m happy you could be here, it was so nice of you to show Mindy around.”

“No problem, it was fun,” said Carmen.

“Come meet everyone,” said Trina. Carmen followed her down a long hallway and came out into a kitchen. She saw three other women cooking and getting food together.

“Ladies this Carmen, the nice girl who showed Mindy around,” The women smiled at her and one blonde woman came forward

“Hello Carmen, I’m Nathalie, welcome to my home.” Carmen smiled and said

“Thank you for having me,” The two other women were introduced as close friends to Mindy’s family.

“Where is everyone?” asked Mindy.

“In the family room,” said Nathalie, “The boys have NHL12 going.”

“Sounds fun,” said Mindy. “Come on Carmen!” Carmen was pulled out of the kitchen by Mindy.

“My cousin and his friends are here; also you’ll have to meet my little cousin Taylor.” They walked through a huge dining room and Carmen heard the sound of loud talking and a TV playing on high volume.

When they walked in Carmen was met with loud cheering. On the TV a hockey videogame was playing and somebody had scored. The next thing she noticed was how grand the family room was. The ceiling was high above them like a church. The big long windows gave her a great view of the long backyard and pool outside. The floor was a light brown colored rug which matched the light tan walls. There was a big crowd of people standing around. It definitely wasn’t the small party Mindy had told her it was going to be. Suddenly Carmen felt very overwhelmed. Only one person saw them come in. A teenage girl came over. She had auburn hair and bright blue eyes.

“Hey Taylor,” said Mindy. “This is my friend Carmen.”

“Hi,” said Taylor shyly.

“Hey,” said Carmen. She looked back over at the large TV and said “What are they playing?”

“NHL12,” said Taylor. “Do you like hockey?”

“Never really watched it,” she said.

“Well come join us,” said Taylor. More people began to notice her as she followed Mindy and Taylor over to the TV. Carmen saw a long couch surrounded by people cheering and yelling. There were four men sitting on the couch, two of them holding Xbox controllers. She instantly recognized one of them. She was shocked. Because of Jenny’s fangirl obsession with the Penguins Carmen had always been bombarded with pictures of Sidney Crosby. He seemed so unreal in pictures and videos. Like a made up character from a movie. She could have never imagined him in real life. Yet there he was before her, a determined look on his face as he roughly handled the Xbox controller.

Sidney was focused on NHL12. He was the Toronto Maple Leafs while Jordan played him as the Detroit Red Wings. He was loosing 2-1 and needed to get another goal as there was only five minutes left in the third period. He felt someone heavily clap him on the back and looked up to see Evgeni cheering him on in Russian. As he was turning back towards the TV someone caught his eye. A beautiful brunette girl he’d never seen before walked up to the couch. Mindy and Taylor were with her. He kept his gaze on her, momentarily forgetting about the game. She had long straight brown hair, olive skin, and a beautiful face. Her eyes were brown and shaped like a cat’s. Her nose was longer and slightly pointed but it went well with the rest of her facial features. Her lips were small in width but fuller, and a light pink color. He had lost himself so much that he didn’t notice when Jordan scored on him, making the game 3-1. People around him cheered and when Evgeni pulled him fully back onto the couch asking him how he could loose to Jordan he finally came back into focus.

He laughed as Evgeni angrily paid Marc the 50 dollars he’d bet on Sidney winning. He looked back over to where the girl had been standing but she was gone.
Thanks for reading :) Please comment.